Was the scene real?

The Ewan McGregor and Kelly scene - was it real - or just simulation? Looks real - though you'd presume its just good acting?


Probably fake. Either way, lucky Ewan!

dies ist meine unterschrift


Lucky Kelly!


It's not 'fake' it's called acting. By your definition, everything in the *beep* film is fake.


The Ewan McGregor and Kelly scene - was it real - or just simulation?

I think in the trivia section, IMDB mentions that she in her "naïvety" had invited her mother and brother to watch her making that scene. So, I don't think it was real. 


It would have been fake. However, I'm reminded of a review for another movie. "If they didn't actually have sex, they might as well have."


They weren't actually having sex because this wasn't a porn movie. Why would they actually be having sex?
