
Since "My Big Fat Greek Wedding" got a frankly unnecessary sequel, do you think Tom Hanks would produce a sequel to this movie? I mean, he named his production company Play-Tone, I assume he has a place in his heart for this movie, right? I am not asking for a sequel, nor do I really want one by all means. Would it be cool to see where these characters would be today, how they would have grown, what they'd be doing now, yeah I guess. I know there was that vague postscript to the movie that told us where all the characters went and what they did, but if they can expand on "Greek Wedding" I can only imagine what they could do with this movie, 20 years later. When all else is said and done, I don't wanna see a sequel to this movie though.


The movie hit on all cylinders; story, dialogue, casting. music; it all came together so well and it still holds up today. I'm only guessing, but I imagine that Tom Hanks holds this movie in high regard; like an artist who has created something truly unique and special and takes pride in what he's created. Sometimes a sequel - if not done right - can sometimes damage the image of the original.

I agree it would be cool to look at the characters 20 years later. The movie does explain what each character ended up doing, but seeing them in their current lives would be entertaining, but I also wouldn't want to see a sequel.

However, they could have a 20th Anniversary DVD re-release with an added feature: A "documentary" about The Wonders. A film maker doing a documentary about whatever happened to The Wonders. Why would a band with a top ten record suddenly dis-ban after their one and only national appearance and go their separate ways. It would take place in 1984 and feature each member of the band and maybe an interview with the now retired Mr. White. Who knows, it might even be a way to find out the bass player's name and have the band get together and play That Thing You Do one last time.

Jesus is the Son of God and my Lord and savior. Pretty cool.




Sequal or not, I LOVE this movie! .... caladon, I like your signature. Ditto for me.


Making a sequel to this, would be as good of an idea as making a sequel to "American Graffiti"...and we all know how well that turned out. Does anyone remember "More American Graffiti?" Nope.

We got all we needed from that little epilogue in the credits. Just walk away, and know that Guy and Faye got together and lived happily ever after.

"Thanks, guys." "So long, partner."

- Toy Story 3 (9/10)
