MovieChat Forums > Tesis (2016) Discussion > Chema is the Third Man?

Chema is the Third Man?

There were some suspicious behaviours about Chema that were never cleared at the end of the movie. It could be plot holes but I think he had a role in the Snuff scene.

From the very beginning he demonstrated to have some feelings for Angela. The
way he gets absorbed by Vanessa's film and does not occur to him to go to the
police are alone suspicious elements. Also it looks too easy to find out the
murderer's camera while googleing through his bedroom stuff.

Then he discovers that the cutting on the film means the murder knew his

After Bosco's interview Chema seems too sure he is a psychopath and should not
be trusted. It could be he was jealous though but there seems to be something else. Then Chema tries to intimidate Angela by saying that Bosco will come for her with a camera and a knife as soon as she opens herself to him. He also rejects at that time, Angela's idea of going to the police even though only she apparently committed the crime of stealing the tape from Figeroa's death scene.

Then he suddenly confesses he worked with the same model of camera as the
murderer's and around the same time of Vanessa's murder (2 years before).

When Angela bumps onto Yolanda she gets to know some secrets about Chema.
Apparently Chema and Bosco made a workshop together using that camera model.
They filmed perverted stuff at the time with Castro's supervision and also Yolanda said that Chema was obsessed with Snuff at that time.

Then Angela confronts Chema as he admits he was friends with Bosco but didn't
want to get involved.

In the bunker scene in the dark, Chema apparently found a hiding place very easily as if he knew that place very well.

When he manages to save Angela and kill Castro, he speaks of a Third Man.
Angela suggests to go to the police but Chema says the police does not like him. Maybe he could be easily diagnosed as psycopathic or he had a record.
Then she finds out he is a stalker.

In the last scene Chema follows Angela to Bosco's house. At some point he tells Alice that garage it the place of the murders which seems as if he already knew. Sure he could have been there recently but still feels suspicious.

In the end we never get to know exacly who is the Third Man.
Although a series of events somehow demonstrate that Chema could have known about Bosco's murders in the very beggining.

The above is mostly factual. My theory about Chema follows as this:

Chema brought the idea to begin the business of Snuff to Bosco and Castro. Bosco and Castro are both clearly psycopaths, though Bosco is more agressive. Hence they both agreed with the Snuff idea. Chema obviously has a great IQ and has some kind of psycopathy as well. He might have been the one who filmed, Bosco made the beating and Castro the editing.

Somehow, Chema had the police on his tail and had to lay low for a while. He found guilt on what he has created or just feared to be locked down for a long time. Then he tried to make a scheme so the other two to be considered guilty without leaving any trace for him to go down as well. It was very convenient of him not to call the police because he wanted to find a way to kill the other two members of the Snuff group.

Perheaps he only drew this scheme because of his obsession for Angela. Thus he wanted to clean himself up and become a good person. This easily fits together with the story about the princess and the dwarf he tells to Angela in the bunker. Obviously he is the dwarf and none likes him. The princess suddenly finds him interesting and he immediately gets obsessed by her. He looks himself into the mirror and feels very ashamed. Then Chema has the sadistic part of him dying and being replaced for love or just obsession for Angela.

In the end Chema has somewhat changed from the person who was 2 years before.

Does this make any sense or does it seem a little far-fetched?


I think you may be onto something there. They did have The Third Man reference and the story with the dwarf, to draw some allusions to this.

It just so happens that Chema leads them into the editing room and saves her at the last minute, a little too convenient for the time.

You back up your theory with many points, and it adds another layer to this fantastic film.



Just watched this and I agree with your post. He was shady as *beep*. I thought Chema was clearly mentally twisted or even psychopathic. He was confirmed to be a voyeurist and stalker and he got off on watching snuff films (which is sick enough to begin with).

Later in the film he met Bosco and they both pretended they didn't know each other. (wtf) So perhaps during their working together with Castro there was a point when Chema no longer agreed with their schemes and wanted out and they had a fall out and had some sort of unspoken agreement to leave each other alone and stay away from each other.

I thought throughout the movie that Chema had been involved too but he felt guilt OR he found himself infatuated/obsessed/in love with Angela and didn't want to repel her and make her run away from him, so he tried to cover up his dark past.
Many things suspicious things regarded Chema were never explained.

I wish I could eat you so I could vomit you


Thank you for the observation. I would like to add that in the end we do not know who made the tapes of Angela kissing screen Bosco and sleeping in her room. In line with your theory, if Chema made those over his obsession with Angela, and to gain access to her room he obtained those keys from Bosco (in one earlier scene he wasn't particularly good at picking locks).
