8 MM or TESIS?

The two films have the same subject - snuff movies, but I think TESIS is far superior to 8 MM. Wich one do you think is the best?




I think that 8mm is good, but Tesis is a masterpiece. Also I wouldn't say that 8mm is Disney, but definitely American style: you know, everything is laid out nice and easy and nothing is hidden between the lines - simple.
One other thing: in 8mm the bad-guy/good-guy draw is very simple and easy - the cutline is a very straigth one, whereas in Tesis it twists and turns throughout the entire movie and at it end comes out of the bloody screen..If you know what I mean.. And that is powerful cinema!


I could not agree more with you.
Well said.
It is the same case of Abre los ojos vs. Vanilla Sky. In Vanilla Sky the ambiguity is gone whereas Abre challenges the audience and makes them think.


+1 to both of you.


I lake Cage and I like 8 MM but I think Tesis is the best film because is more real.
The spanish fimls, since Amenabar begins, were so simples but now we can talk about a real good cinema. Amenabar is just a genius and his film is better than his american remake: 8 MM


clearly Tésis is the superior film...Alejandro Amenabar is a genius.


its easy... 8mm it's like an action film, with guns, fire, private detectives, spectacular music, sound and visual effects, etc. if you like action films... try 8mm. Everything with the american style.
I dont know why hollywood filmakers did a very bad american adaptation of the snuff theme on that movie.
Tesis, is the real thing... has the deep view of it.



Yes, My notes: Tesis 10 and 8MM 4. One is a master piece and the other is a bad film. Amenabar is a genious!!! My english is bad :( I want IMDB Spanish forum!!!


withour any doubt, tesis is way better!


I don't think ther's even a point of comparison. Thesis is the one. Something I really hated about 8mm, is the everyday evening call from a man who's working as a private detective (which is a dangerous job) to his wife...

Protective, detective, ElectricEye


Tesis is better hands down. 8mm barely registers as viewable, Tesis is a film that's prone to several viewings.


Yo creo que Tesis es mejor, básicamente porque los originales son mejores que los remake, además, 8mm no tiene ese toque de no saber para dónde va el argumento.

I believe that Thesis is better, basically because the original are better than the remake, besides, 8mm does not have that sound of know not for where goes the argument.

From Chile
Bárbara González


Alright, I'll be the black sheep of this post. I liked 8mm better than Tesis. I thought Tesis was predictable. I didn't like the characters in Tesis. I also thought that Nic Cage was very good in 8mm, unlike some of his movies, and the fact that they showed how what he went through affected him. In Tesis, Angela said she was going to go mad, but I didn't believe it, I didn't feel it. I thought 8mm was more powerful and emotional. Tesis definitely had some interesting aspects, but I thought 8mm was superior.

Shut up and eat your pinecone!


I'll have to agree with Flodman here. Tesis receives nothing but praise on IMDB and i've thoroughly enjoyed the other Amenabar films I've seen (Abre los ojos and the Others) so I was expecting a little treat with this one. Unfortunately I was extremely disappointed. As mentioned above, the characters appeared to be quite shallow and underdeveloped, they didn't really do anything to involve the viewer, emotionally. So, quite frankly by the end of the movie I didn't care what happened to Angela in the slightest.
Secondly, the twists and plot turns were very predictable and when they were finally delivered I didn't find them to have any impact at all. As a result I found myself urging the film to a finish quite early on.
8mm on the other hand I found to be a lot more watchable. Cage gave an ok performance, although he can do a lot better, and the film moved along at a relatively decent pace. For me this film works better simply because the characters are more believable, the storytelling is more fluid, and it doesn't attempt to be more intelligent than it actually is.
Shame, because Alejandro Amenabar is a very talented director.

-He touched my... my front bottom.



Well, Two things for you guys... learn spanish and watch it on a teather... I saw the premier back in 96 and could not move from my seat, and I did not see anybody else moving from their chairs either. It scared me at the same time it made me laugh.

Although 8MM it's an OK "Hollywood" movie to watch, Tesis is way better; also, it is not a typical "american" movie.


I wish I had been able to see the premier in the theater. What I would like to do is watch the DVD with the subtititles turned off. I've been able to do this with Abre los ojos but don't seem to have that option with the Tesis DVD; at least with this particular copy. Guess I'll just have to find one without subtitles...it's got to be out there. I can't imagine 1st lang Spanish speakers enduring the annoying intrusion of English text.

I have not seen 8MM, but from what is described here, it's not a movie with the appeal that sent me searching for Tesis in the first place.


Tesis, althought a spanish language film, with a spanish cast and a chilian director, is essentially a "hollywood thriller". In the making of the film, Amenabar says, " i wanted to do a typical american car chase, but as it is costly, did a people chase instead." and he also says, It is an "American thriller" . SO, Tesis is in its own right, IS an American thriller, how ever Spanish the outlook is. SO It is in a way a "Typical American movie" because thats what the director wanted to create. Another American thriller.iTS A DIFFERENT VERSION OF 8MM!!!


8MM is alrigth, but Tesis is a far better film.

Life is precious, and it’s our own - not any god’s.


dear vlad,
here´s another subject for discussion. "Believable characters". i, spanish, found extremely more convincing the characters in thesis than in 8mm. I dont know which came first, the egg or the hen, but american people behave more like american movies. In spain we are less theatrical, much more sober, maybe even subtler.(im not judging, just stating my opinion)Therefore we find many characters in american films unbelievable or at least overacted. I think thats where you and i disagree.
I dont like cage either, so i may be biased, but i thought it would be interesting to raise this subject

oh! and i thought tesis was much better anyway, less emotional, more brainy


I watched Tesis last night and while it started well I got a little disappointed with it later on. I'm not sure the subtitles were accurate either. For example the old professor suggests that if he ordered the violent videos he would be thought of as a "sadista", the subtitle read "freak".

Nobody in this thread has mentioned the film Hardcore with George C. Scott. This was made in 1979 and i believe it to be the grand daddy of films about snuff films. I think it was more disturbing and genuinely touching than either Tesis or 8mm.




Sorry! My post got split! What I meant to say:

I thought 8MM was vile and sensationalistic. One of the things I liked about Tesis was that it actually questioned the sensationalistic nature of the media, whereas 8MM didn't have a larger message other than being a ho-hum, uninspired Hollywood film. Another thing I liked about Tesis over 8MM is that the violence in this movie occurs mostly off screen; it's not too bloody or difficult to watch, and when something gorey is shown, its only on screen for a moment. 8MM in comparison, just felt too gratuitous and overindulgent, but Tesis was just right.


Definetely Tesis is a superior one. Firstly i liked the movie because it offers a different style not an american one. I was not one them who predicted the end. Also i disagree that the characters are shallow. Especially when Angela dreams. Once i was told that two basic intincts of mankind is sex and violence.
8 mm is a good movie but in a different class.


Definetely Tesis is a superior one. Firstly i liked the movie because it offers a different style not an american one. I was not one them who predicted the end. Also i disagree that the characters are shallow. Especially when Angela dreams. Once i was told that two basic intincts of mankind is sex and violence. I although think Tesis script has some handicaps but still good.
8 mm is a good movie but in a different class.
