Cut for profanity?

I read on Wikipedia that this movie was cut because of profanity. (cursing/swearing)

What bad words did they say in it?


Like I always tell people when they talk about anything that has to do with Wikipedia is that I wouldnt believe what that site said because anyone can go on there and add whatever they want so its not really reliable, At least thats what I think

"When a relationship doesn't work out, I call that a relation$HIT"~Dane Cook


Wikipedia CAN be trusted. The site owners moderate very well. And yes, it was. There was a lot of minor swearing such as the words damn and hell being used "offensively."


If you watch some of the actors' mouths, like the police officer who pulls Zach over and the bank owner (sorry, can't remember his name) when the computers go wacky you can tell their lip movements don't match the word that's coming from their mouth.


Also, I remember a scene where she's in the boys bathroom fighting with Zach [in school] and when he leaves, she gets all flustered and hits the side of the sink yelling in a high pitched voice, and in the Closed Captioning, it says "DAMN IT!" Of course, you could hardly make it out if not for the CC... maybe that's an example of the censoring you mention?

I don't know why but I never forgot that... being a young and impressionable little kid, seeing Kimberly shout DAMN in a Disney Movie (even if I couldn't make it out without the extra help) always shocked my fragile little mind.


oh yeah, I remember catching that too when I put the CC on!


I'm so glad I'm not the only one who felt that way! Hahaha. I remember the shocking CC too!

