Emperor's new clothes

If this were not directed by Bertolucci would many people have even given it the time of day? A variety of indulged and generally unlikeable people who don't convince for one moment as real human beings move languidly around in a glwingly beautiful Tuscan landscape being variously patronising and/or pervily inclined towards a confused American girl who just happens ot be incredibly beautiful with just a hint of vulnerability. Absolutely nothing in this movie has any real resonance or meaning and whatever integrity it might otherwise possess is seriously undercut by the way Bertolucci takes every opportunity to have the camera linger lasciviously over Liv Tyler's body. If ever there was a case of the Emperor's new clothes this is it.




Exactly. I felt the same way when I viewed this at 19. The character Lucy wasn't being exploited, she was entering into her sexuality. To pretend that a young woman isn't a sensual being, would be the same as treating a person like a porcelain doll---something that needs to be hidden away and protected, for fear it'll get broken. That attitude seems far more objectifying than any flirtatious behavior from the other characters. This wasn't another "Lolita" but a movie focusing solely on a girl's experience, not a man's.

Anyone can say what they like about Bertolucci, but for a middle aged man to create something that could so resonate with a young woman, is proof of exceptional talent.


Quite a ridiculous assessment of the film. You clearly didn't pay much attention! Even your post presents reasons for certain choices:

"patronising and/or pervily inclined towards a confused American girl who just happens ot be incredibly beautiful with just a hint of vulnerability"
"Bertolucci takes every opportunity to have the camera linger lasciviously over Liv Tyler's body"

Do you think these two might be linked? all the characters in the film are fascinated in some way by Lucy, and so to have the camera movements to reflect that is a logical move!

I find most of the characters very likeable. These are pure people who live outside the world of keeping up appearances. This is a world of artists, and as with most artists, they behave according to their own feelings. The nasty characters in the film (Niccolo and rachel weisz's lover) are dishonest impure characters who deceive in order to satisfy themselves. Everyone else is honest, which is what is so captivating about this film.

This was the first Bertolucci film I saw and I loved it from the first time I saw it. You are very naive to assume that people will say a film is good just because they like the director. People are not so stupid! If the film was crap people wouldn't like it, irrespective of the director.

This is a gorgeously shot and beautifully understated film. Perhaps you like films that shout at you, this is a subtle film, and you clearly didn't get it.
