Clare, the Contest Winner

Didn't it seem that Hannah picked Clare because Clare is who Percy would/could have been had she not been raped by her stepfather that began her downward spiral? Also, I think Hannah saw that Percy did indeed redeem herself in a big way by "saving" Eli when he was being chased by the cops with dogs? In essence, Hannah could not save Percy, but she had the chance to save Clare and give her the kind of life that Percy wanted to be able to live. Does any one this make sense? I knpw what I mean to say, it just sounds too confusing!

I thought this film was sweet and sensitive and sad and happy at the end.

"Let the dead bury the dead this time, Mr. Finch"


I totally agree.... this is such a good film... it is a movie that gives you hope that good things can happen to people...

Don't judge me.... If you don't know me....
