MovieChat Forums > Space Jam (1996) Discussion > Defending Space Jam's Lola

Defending Space Jam's Lola

In some places online I go where fans are discussing Lola, there are those who prefer the LTS Lola over this movie's Lola, because they think the SJ Lola was "boring, bland, unfunny, and un-slapstick". Well, I disagree! So what if she doesn't suffer from slapstick? That doesn't mean she can't be a Looney Tune! So what if she wasn't in the original shorts? Who cares! So what if her personality is sexy, strong-minded, and independent? That doesn't make her a bad character! It also doesn't mean she doesn't have a personality! Plus, for those of you who think she's not funny, I kinda find her funny in a rather subtle way. Ever think about that? Finally, considering her so called "sex appeal". Where do these people get off calling us furries "perverts" (or "furverts", however you look at it) and claiming that the sole reason Lola exists is to give us furries something to be attracted to or even masturbate to? Did it ever occur to you that SHE WASN'T CREATED FOR THAT REASON?!!!! She was created to show how much women have their potential, which I strongly support. So what if she doesn't suffer any Looney Tunes antics or slapstick or "amusing" injuries? That doesn't mean she can't be labeled as a Looney Tune! It's just like real people: we're NOT all perfect, and we never will be!

And in case anybody asks, yes, I am completely against the way Lola is portrayed on the Looney Tunes Show, due to her empty-headed stalking behavior. THAT is what REALLY makes women look bad! It's not even funny! Strong and independent makes for a better female character, something that the LTS writers obviously never considered when making that horrible show!

Anybody agree with me and willing to defend the SJ Lola? I'm open for support!


I think critics of the Space Jam Lola would point out that Looney Tunes is primarily about humor, not promoting strong female characters. And the truth is that the new Lola is a funnier character.

HOWEVER, that isn't to say that there is no comedic potential with the original Lola.

If the original (Space Jam) Lola was to ever be featured prominently in new Looney Tune shorts, she would have to be paired with really crazy characters. Lola in Space Jam is a "normal" character and most of her looniness revolved on how she caused other characters to act. I could see some comedic potential in having the original Lola get forced into bizarre situations by real "Looney" characters. Old Lola is the kind of character that would be really funny in situational comedy, but would be rather boring by herself.


Somehow, I just don't find the new Lola funny. On the other hand, I seek to find support from those who are able to prove that the Space Jam Lola is infinitely superior to the Looney Tunes Show Lola. Are you yourself willing to support the fact that SJ Lola really is funny in a subtle way?


Agreed. The new Lola is kinda sick.


I could see some comedic potential in having the original Lola get forced into bizarre situations by real "Looney" characters.

They did this . . . with Minerva Mink. The difference is that MM was also selfish, egotistical, looney, and insanely funny. She was, you know, an actual character with a personality.

To me the old Lola was utterly useless, and new Lola is a desperately-needed reboot.


I'm sorry, but the new Lola is pretty mediocre. What's so great about an annoying stalker?


In my opinion? She makes me laugh, her obsessive quirks are kinda endearing once you get used to her (you can see Bugs react the same way), she’s just as crazy as Daffy or Sam but far less malicious so she fits in with the rest of the Tunes, and she has a couple quiet moments with Bugs and the others that shows she not only cares about the people around her (despite her frequent selfishness and shortsightedness, flaws which, while exaggerated, are easy enough to relate to) and sometimes is the only one with any common sense, which is a pleasant and surprising role reversal every time it happens.

But then again, the new Lola could be a block of cement and I’d consider it a refreshing improvement from the old. At least the cement wouldn’t be the object of so many lame jokes.


Eh, to each their own


"So what if she doesn't suffer any Looney Tunes antics or slapstick or "amusing" injuries? That doesn't mean she can't be labeled as a Looney Tune!" kinda does.

And as for the 'empowering women' argument, Lola is not a good example. It's obvious that she was put on the show to be eye candy and a romantic interest for Bugs. The way she leaves and enters a room, she's blatantly playing up the sexy angle and objectifying herself for the enjoyment of others. She has nothing to do with Bugs until he saves her, and then she falls in love with him. Real empowering there.

She's good at basketball, doesn't like being called 'doll,' uses her looks to get horny reactions from others...and that's about it. For the LTS series, she wouldn't play a good 'straight man' to Bugs since he's already that kind of personality (as opposed to Tina who plays a very effective one to Daffy). It made sense to cast her as the crazy one to serve as a contract to Bugs' normally cool demeanor.


It made sense to cast her as the crazy one to serve as a contract to Bugs' normally cool demeanor.

Thus making her look like a pathetic, embarrassing fool which (in my opinion) is more degrading to the character than her original characterization in Space Jam.

They turned the character into a joke. The audience isn't laughing with the character, they're laughing at the character. There's a difference between being a funny character who everyone laughs with (Bugs) and being a fool character who everyone laughs at (New Lola). If they were going to make some changes to her character so that she'd be considered a proper Looney Tunes character then I'd rather her be the former than the latter.

Ex-girlfriend, you can't have him!:


I think a good way of tweaking the original Space Jam Lola to make her more funny is to make her sorta like Slappy Squirrel from "Animaniacs" (minus the being a cranky old woman part of course). Slappy (like Bugs) is a non-foolish, funny character who the audience laughs with rather than at.

Ex-girlfriend, you can't have him!:


They turned the character into a joke. The audience isn't laughing with the character, they're laughing at the character. There's a difference between being a funny character who everyone laughs with (Bugs) and being a fool character who everyone laughs at (New Lola). If they were going to make some changes to her character so that she'd be considered a proper Looney Tunes character then I'd rather her be the former than the latter.

I totally disagree, actually. From what I’ve seen around the internet, those who love New Lola love her because she’s funny, strong-willed, unpredictable, and just so enjoyable to be around. We sympathize with Bugs’ attempts to run away, but part of us always looks forward to when she comes back. And when he finally starts to come around and start falling in love with her (albeit begrudgingly), it’s a genuinely sweet evolution of a relationship. I don’t know anyone who didn’t love Lola not because they were laughing at her, but because they were rooting for her.

And Lola isn’t stupid. She’s ditzy, but sometimes she proves to be very sweet and surprisingly perceptive. Girl is a lot more than she seems.


Because annoying morons are amazing characters amirite? She's too annoying for my tastes and I don't see how anyone could put up with her. She's overrated.


And you’re welcome to your opinion. What I’m saying is that there are people who DON’T find her to be an annoying moron (at least not compared to Daffy), and think she’s underrated compared to the old Lola.


You are wrong on a number of levels. Lola is a very good example. She was not there solely for eye candy at all. It also isn't very clear that she uses her beauty for the enjoyment of others, and I sense that she DID have a thing for Bugs even before he saved her.

Consider your comment ignored!


You could tell she liked Bugs when he introduced himself, but she was just upset by the "Doll" comment.

Anyways, if they ever do another Looney Tunes reboot and include Lola I say they try something a little different. I don't think she should be stupid like in "The Looney Tunes Show" but I also don't think she should be portrayed as a flawless Mary-Sue like character that she was in Space Jam.

Rather, I think they should rather make her like a female version of Bugs Bunny. Have her be the center of her own episodes and have her repeatedly face certain rivals in the same way that Bugs repeatedly faced Daffy, Yosemite Sam, and Elmer Fudd. In some episodes she could be smart and witty and "win", but in other episodes she could epically fail and her failures (and injury of pride) could be played for humor.

There seems to be a debate on whether or not Lola should be "Sexy" or not. I wouldn't mind them making Lola "hot" as long as it was played up for humor, rather than trying to convince the audience that she really is attractive (which they did in Space Jam). I say keep her overall character design from Space Jam, but don't have her wearing skimpy clothing unless it's in a situation where it would make sense for her to be wearing skimpy clothing (like a beach).


I say let her get changed back to her Space Jam self. Has it ever occurred to you that sometimes her kind is a good thing?


I think the biggest problem with "Space Jam" Lola is that she was treated primarily as a one-joke character, like an inverse Pepe Le Pew (or a better version of Minerva Mink from Animaniacs). If she had a more rounded personality beyond "rah rah grrl power" that would definitely be a plus as well. That said, I don't think she's a TERRIBLE character, just a mixed bag.

Supermodels...spoiled stupid little stick figures mit poofy lips who sink only about zemselves.


You could tell she liked Bugs when he introduced himself, but she was just upset by the "Doll" comment.

Agreed, I think so too. 

"I'm the ultimate badass,you do NOT wanna f-ck wit me!"Hudson,Aliens😬


OP, did you see this? I love it!:

Ex-girlfriend, you can't have him!:



Where do these people get off calling us furries "perverts" (or "furverts", however you look at it) and claiming that the sole reason Lola exists is to give us furries something to be attracted to or even masturbate to? Did it ever occur to you that SHE WASN'T CREATED FOR THAT REASON?!!!!

It's true, creating furry-porn was almost always a horrible accident until quite recently.

Death to shakeycam directors!


I ADORE Lola. She's a fantastic character who has her goofy/silly/funny/comedic/slapstick/loony side (which really comes out when she gets smooched!) She was immediately my favorite when I saw this movie at age 9. I loved her design and strong, smart, slick, smooth tomboy attitude. Feminine and tough. A perfect love interest for Bugs. It never, ever crossed my mind that she might not be "toony enough" for some. All toons are different just as all people are. :P
That abomination in the Looney Tunes Show (which I find overall quite mediocre...mostly not horrible, but pretty horrible in comparison with the actual Looney Tunes cartoons & Tiny Toon Aventures...Bugs doesn't feel like himself, either)--UGH. That IS NOT Lola by ANY stretch of the imagination. It's her similar-looking, brain-addled, crazed stalker cousin or something. Either that, or she was hypnotized to act that way...or temporarily lost her memory...whatever; point is, it's not HER. Which disappointed me in the worst way.

Sadly, Space Jam is really the only place so far to enjoy Lola. I enjoyed Baby Looney Tunes, but it makes little sense for her to have known all the others as a baby if they just met as adults in Space Jam. Unless they all forgot about their adventures together as toddlers because Lola never saw them again after that show, UNTIL Space Jam. You probably wouldn't remember a baby with whom you used to play if you never saw them again after a certain young age, and almost definitely wouldn't recognize them grown-up.

So yeah, lol. I figured this stuff out.


I hate the new Lola too, yet almost everyone treats her as if she's the greatest character ever, completely ignoring all of her flaws.


I hate the new Lola too, yet almost everyone treats her as if she's the greatest character ever, completely ignoring all of her flaws.


Yeough, why would that one have fans?! The whole show was a mess, I thought. I'd much rather just watch all the original Looney Tunes again, instead. Even recognizing that that Lola is NOT the Space Jam Lola we know and love, I didn't think she was that funny, likable, or original. She mostly annoyed me.

Saluki mom




She was hot and appealed to my furry side. That's all the defense I need.

Indeed i had a crush on her since i was 15 when i saw this movie in theaters and i have always been a furry since i was 4 when i laid eyes on Cleo from Heathcliff and Cheetara on Thundercats, i'm also a brony as well.

Hell they even have the nerve to call bronies perverts too, bronies aren't always "cloppers" either.

You killed Captain Clown, YOU KILLED CAPTAIN CLOWN-The Joker on Batman TAS


Lola sucks.


Lola's a cult character. Some love her, some don't. I happen to be in the camp that finds her awesome. I found her a welcome addition to the Looney Tunes roster. She didn't just exist for eye candy either, people. Lola was a character that was actually very ahead of her time, because she was one of the first female characters that showed you could be great at sports, and still keep your femininity. That is a great message for young girls, that you don't have to shed your female self to be good at sports, or other things for that matter. For me, I found her an incredibly cool character who radiated spunk and hipness, and Kath Soucie's performance is the reason why. Her voice was so smooth and womanly. Also, they flushed her out already in the Looney Tunes comic books. In Looney Tunes #76, She appears in Grandstand and Deliver, where she has a personality that's kind of like Babs Bunny.
Lola's negative blowback was something I never understood. Ever. They can't even make the accusation that she took up too much screen time, like Jar-Jar Binks or something. People on Youtube have actually taken every scene Lola was in and posted it online. Her total screentime is a total 3 minutes, 51 seconds, give or take a few. She was barely in the film to begin with. She almost wasn't period. She was thrown in at the last minute. Calm Down, people.
As for the "New" Lola, the first time I saw her, I hated it. I don't hate is as much now, but I still wish they would have took her in a different direction. Tina Duck seems to have more like the type of personality Lola would have.
