the car

does anyone know what kind of car the bad guy is driving in this movie? I have been trying to get an answer to this question for years cause I really want that car!! Anyone?


I wish i could help you out on this one but sadly i have been trying to find out what kind of car he was driving as well and no one seems to know.


I didn't see the second one, but if it's the same as the first, it's a 55 chevy bel air. If you like the car, check out the movies Two Lane Blacktop and American Grafitti.


because of the suicide doors i'd guess a 60's lincoln but i cant be sure


1967-1970 (unsure of the year, been a loooooong time since I saw it) Ford Thunderbird Landau 4 door. Pretty rare car. I don't care for em myself, I prefer 2 door models.
