Tarot Cards

What was the name of the tarot cards the demons used to kill Jules Martin?


They were based on the Rider Tarot Deck that Jules owns. It's the most popular deck out there. But as for Tony's deck, I think it was made just for the movie. But it would be awesome to own.


Question can you tell me if it is hard to read tarot cards? not really into it just wondering.


I bought the rider deck after I saw the movie, but I only know how to read a few. Nice to look at, though.


I have a Rider Tarot Deck, there not hard to read because there's no right or wrong way to read them, there's not just one way to interpret each card as the person doing the reading interprets them in there own way.

"And so the lion fell in love with the lamb"


It's Ta-ROW! Ta- ROW!

No, seriously they're carrot cards. Good for the eyes. Unless you get stabbed with them.

You wouldn't dare!
