Info on new dvd!

Here you can see the artwork and release date. It also includes the special features but I'll post them here too.

* Available Subtitles: English
* Available Audio Tracks: English (Dolby Digital 5.1 EX), English (Dolby Digital 5.1), English (Dolby Digital 2.0 Mono), Italian (Dolby Digital 5.1), Italian (Dolby Digital 2.0 Surround)
* Disc 1 Extras:
* -- Theatrical Trailer
* Disc 2 Extras:
* "Director: Dario Argento"
* "Inspiration: Psychological Consultant Graziella Magherini"
* "Special Effects: Sergio Stivaletti"
* "Assistant Director: Luigi Cozzi"
* "Production Designer: Massimo Antonello Geleng"

Although I prefer the artwork for the Troma release more, I am excited about the better picture quality (Troma's sucked), the special features, and the three extra minutes! I am so excited about this release and I hope Blue Underground also gets their hands on the three other unavailable or out of print Argento flicks: Four Flies on Grey Velvet, Tenebrae, and Phenomena.


dude YOU ROCK!

i hated the troma release


I am super excited about the Italian language track. I normally do not mind dubbed horror films, but the dubbing on Asia was very bad. Plus from the reviews I have read the picture is actually very good on this one.

DVD review.


Best Buy jumped the street date, I actually picked my copy up today....Have not watched it all the way yet, but it looks amazing. It will probably help all those people who claimed how horrible the movie was, enjoy it a bit more. Also Suspiria new two disc came out early to.


Yeah Best Buy sure likes to jump the gun on release dates.

I didn't expect it to be out early. As of late at least by me they haven't put out anything early in a while. Or at least on the DVDs I buy. So many times I got stuff a week or 2 early.

The Zombie Pack was out 3-weeks early. Anyways, I didn't have the extra cash so I had to chose between Stendhal and Suspiria.

I went with Stendhal. The copy I have I recorded on one of the Demand stations and the copy is weak. Plus I have the single disc Anchor Bay Suspiria DVD.

Even though I like Suspiria more I felt Stendhal was the one to go with for now so I can have a decent copy.

I tried doing that once, making every minute count. It gave me a headache- Adrian Monk


Dang, I just preordered this from another site. Too bad because I would have went to best buy and got this today.


Yeah I have the 1 disc Suspiria release too, but I decided to go with Stendhal only. I'm not sure the new two disc Suspiria is worth it, the second disc only has a single documentary on it.

Chaco, you probably did the right thing because I paid 19.99 for Stendhal, pretty big price tag. I should of waited until had them in stock. The actually store just opened up near my house and they tend to have amazing deals.



Dude, the documentry, if you don't already have it on DVD, is worth getting. It's quite detailed and informative.

Alfred E. Newman 08 Let's Put A NEW Idiot In The White House


Does anyone know if the picture quality is any better than the Medusa 2 Disc version?


The documentary is that good? Shoot I might have to get it after all.


I'm watching this film right now and it doesn't looked dubbed at all. The lip movements of Asia are perfectly in sync with the words being spoken in the English audio. I think Asia speaks English pretty well and probably did her own lines in the English audio tracks. Most Italian films are filmed in whatever language that the actor speaks. They usually have international casts and the actors perform in their native languages, so some characters who are English speaking get dubbed into Italian, and Italian Actors who don't speak English well are dubbed into English by voice actors for the English "dub".


Good observation, Asia's English is good enough, and it's safe to assume she usually delivers on-set in English. I think Alan Jones (movie journo) has said as much, and Argento tends to do on-set sound more nowadays. That's good, because it comes-off better, significantly so. Even Sergio Leone used live sound at times when he shot Once Upon a Time in America, and it has become more commonplace in Italian cinema (what's left of it) since the 1980s. God I want this DVD, I have everything else that's in-print in North America (and some that aren't currently, like Tenebrae). You have to take Argento or leave him, warts-and-all. I take him as he is, and feel in many respects that he has improved as a director. Not a popular opinion, but there it is. Anything Blue Underground touches is gold.
