MovieChat Forums > La sindrome di Stendhal (1996) Discussion > Beware the new 2 disc dvd from Blue Unde...

Beware the new 2 disc dvd from Blue Underground

1. The subtitles in some scenes come and go too fast for a long period of time it is difficult to read anything without being flustered. I have never seen subtitles move so fast as the last scene of this movie.

2. In the English Dub, at the end when the chief Inspector says, "It's going to be alright, Anna," he still mouths the words but no words come out till he says, "Trust me."
All other versions I have seen, including the Troma disc, have the line intact.

3. Troma's dvd may have been a shortened version and looked not as bright and clear as this transfer, but its graininess and seediness I felt contributed to how dirty this film felt and added alot of mood.


http://www.dvdbeave ws33/stendh al_syndro me.htm


I can't say I noticed the secondary points you mentioned, but I will say that I agree with you on the first point regarding the subtitles. If I had been watching the film in the English-dubbed version it wouldn't have been an issue (well, besides the fact that dubbed versions generally suck), either way, it was a fast-moving scene with overlapping dialogue, so I supposed there's a degree to which it comes with the territory.

I should say though, as far as the Blue Underground DVD as a whole, I only had the first disc (movie disc) to go by; I rented this through Greencine so I didn't have the 2nd disc to judge-- don't know how good the special features were. I mean I guess ultimately all "special features" are really just marketing bait, but nonetheless, they usually end up enticing me to some degree.

