
Seriously, what a loser. It's no wonder Anna didn't want him anymore. That scene where she "assaults" him in her apartment solidified that in my mind even more. "Please Anna. No." What a whiney b*tch.

I am glad she disposed of him.


Asia Argento couldn't have weighed more than 100 lbs in that movie soaking wet! That scene was ridiculous though I did enjoy the laugh. There is usually at least one moment in an Argento film where I laugh spontaneously - this scene led to several minutes of hilarity.


I agree. He was pretty pathetic. Anna's own personal dormat.

The moral of the story is that if you have no backbone, crazy bitches like Anna will walk over you LOL.

Have you noticed that some of the other men are wimps as well. The dude who spars with Anna in the boxing gym. When he apologizes for hitting anna, isn't that what your'e supposed to do? Its boxing isn't it? And before that when Anna punches him and he asks whats wrong with her. That scene cracks me up everytime.
