MovieChat Forums > La sindrome di Stendhal (1996) Discussion > Nudity in trailer bun not movie?

Nudity in trailer bun not movie?

I got the new double disc and in the trailer they show a breast shot and in the interview Argento mentions nudity but I didn't catch it in the movie. That is going to piss me off if I paid $20 for the "uncut" two disc edition and it's still cut. Did anyone see nudity in the movie? Thanks.


It's a horror film. If you want nudity, try porn.


Boohoo, you didn't get to see the nudity in it, I feel soooo sorry for you.


Let's not pick on the guy for wanting to see some nudity. I see his point because A) if it was in Argento's cut and still excised from that particular DVD release that sucks and B) damn right it's a horror movie - and horror and nudity go hand in hand.


What's with these guys screaming "bohoo, you didn't get to see nudity" while this other guy is genuinely worried that he bought a censored movie, which would suck. It's like the first guys are idiots or something! Some people watch horror movies for all kinds of reasons. Other people watch them because they are idiots. Then they go on the internet, and they’re still idiots. Bohooo.


I just bought the DVD and noticed the exact same thing! It's funny because my first instinct was to jump on imdb and see what was up. From my knowledge most movie trailers are made well before the movie is even finished and a lot of footage used in trailers is either scrapped or refined i.e enhanced special FX etc. So I wouldn't be surprised if that grope scene was edited out and lost so that even if Argento decided he wanted it in his cut he couldn't use it. It's funny because for the subject matter of the film I felt the one thing it really lacked was nudity. I think it would have greatly enhanced the rape scenes making them more personal and harder to watch.


I didn't see any nudity in it myself but trailers are often made in advance to the film's release. The breast scene was probably cut out probably not for censorship reasons. I know it's a film with rape scenes but I don't think that means you need to have nudity, if a woman's being raped, in my view, it's more savage for a man to just get straight to the act, the absence of groping etc seemed to fit better to me.


All movies are cut, WC, there will always be footage that was filmed (that sometimes shows up in Trailers, like in A Beautiful Mind, Patriot Games, Terminator 2) but not put into any version of the movie (cept maybe some early screenings and festival versions). I suppose you'd call George Romero's theatrical cut "cut". While it's true it's shorter than the extended version, it's still uncut cause it's the version most true to Romero's Vision (the extended cut was rushed, the theatrical cut was born when Romero had a chance to finally tweek it to his satisfaction adn that was used for the Theatrical cut). Though in my ramble, i guess my message is, it's about as uncut as your'e going to get, anything else is "extra footage that Dario didnt' want in the film" as it is hte full itallian cut, no longer version exists outside some work print form.

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The other posters are right. This scene was never in the film in any of the versions. It is only in the trailer.


Good point...this film does lack some nudity also Giallo feels 'censored' maybe they filmed the parts then got cut in the final print but you can't call Dario shy when it comes to filming the ladies...he usually delivers


Well yeah it's always a concern if it's suggested an "uncut" print is actually cut, wheater it's a breast shot, a gore shot, a line of dialogue omitted, makes no difference. Just how big a concern is up to the individual

This Show Was A Lot Funnier Before Kirstie Alley Ate Shelly Long
