Jennifer Jason Leigh

According to the accompanying booklet of the Arrow DVD, Argento had wanted either Jennifer or Bridget Fonda for the role of Anna because of their performances in SWF. I think Leigh would have been terrific.

The world forgetting, by the world forgot
Eternal sunshine of the spotless mind


I agree, J.J.Leigh would have been great in this story but there would have been a problem : because of her so famous performance in "Single White Female", people could have guess that she was the real criminal . Don't you think so ?


"Don't act, be !" (Kate Winslet)


That's a good point. So had it been Fonda then it would have been less obvious. I would have preferred Leigh though.

Keep silent unless what you are going to say is more important than silence.


There was an article about Argento's TRAUMA - I think in Cinefantastique, not Fangoria - in which he talks about the planned project with Fonda signed on. It was originally to be shot in Arizona.


I don´t think it would have worked well as an american version, and I don´t mean comercially, but it would have turned into a much less interesting movie.
