Hated Hope.

She never wanted to consider Mickey's feelings. It didn't matter to her if he did or did not want to go to Paris. She would go anyway. So that's why I didn't like her character. She's only thinking of herself the whole time.

The whole Hope/Mickey thing was written as if Mickey blew it, but it was ofcourse Hope who blew it. She didn't leave any opening for discussion. This was just about the most stupid romance developement I've ever seen in a movie. Hope was leaving for Paris, no matter what Mickey wanted. It made me hope they would break up


I disliked Hope as well. She seemed the typical eastern elitist snob I wouldn't be caught dead with. But Diaz's character was the most appalling of course. Mickey was certainly the only remotely sympathetic character, and even he had me wanting to slap him around and tell him he can do better.


she didn't just not consider his feelings about going, SHE DIDN'T EVEN TELL HIM!!! She just married him, and when she finally caved and told him, she acted like the whole thing was an "of course."

I think the idea was that he was stuck in a rut and didn't have a lot going for him except his family (which was shaky at best), but it was done so poorly, and Mickey is the only likeable character in the movie.

I would have called her out on her deception and selfishness. It didn't look like she had any ties but nevermind that his entire life was tied to New York, he should just pick up and leave with her, because if he really loved her, that's what he would do. The only likeable female character was Jennifer Aniston's, who also got the shaft big time!


exactly! she didnt even tell him before, then the barmaid girlfriend of hers tells him he is a jerk???

why he is a jerk again?

I didnt see any qualities in Hope what would make her a "perfect wife"


I agree. I thought it was weird when Mickey said he had the best wife in the world and ruined it (or words to that affect) when he did nothing wrong and it was Hope who was out of line. However I thought Hope somewhat redeemed herself at the end when she gave up going to France to stay with Mickey.


Did she give up on France? I had thought he changed his mind and was going with her? The question is how is she planning on paying for it? I thought she was estranged from her family and waitresses usually can't afford a year at a French University.


I think in the end, she decided to stay with Mickey.

Since she hadn't much income, I guess she had won a scolarship to support her in France.


It's called Sarcasm She cheated on him. That's why they split up. Hope was a sexy and mysterious woman and Mick fell for her the day her met her in his cab...so it only follows that maybe she's not so perfect and perhaps even weird or might move away to Paris. Things just happen that way. I can relate.


I'm a woman and I was appalled at her tits. Totally flat and huge pointy nips. I wouldn't go near that with a 10-foot pole if I was a guy. Doesn't mean you have to have huge jugs to be attractive, but they overplayed her flatness and it was gross.

