
Real shame this character was never seen again, he was wonderful, well-acted and I loved his little silent romance with Zara. He should have been a Chosen Man.


Just re-watched the episode for the first time since its original airing and I can't agree more. Such a touching character, courage and honour, my kind of (fictional) man!!!

If you love Satan and are 100% proud of it copy this and make your signature!


Yeah, I like Pyecroft also. I thought it was quite touching that even though he is disfigured he is still very heroic and ended up with the girl at the end.

He's like a more extreme "Sweet William" Frederickson though unlike poor Frederickson he finds love.

"Nothings gonna change my world!"


"unlike poor Frederickson he finds love."

in the next episode Sharpe's Revenge, Frederickson does find love ((well he falls in love), but unfortunatly, after Jane's betrayal of Sharpe, he (Sharpe) takes the girl (Lucille Castineau) as his lover/wife (and going by the books they have 2 children (Patrick-Henri Castineau b1815 and is in The Starbuck Chronicles - Copperhead, and Dominique Castineau b1816.) The fact that Sharpe "stole" Frederickson's woman actually breaks their friendship and they are at odds for awhile.


I like Pyecroft too. I just rewatched this one last night and couldn't help thinking that it would have ben great to bring him back (instead of Simmerson).


I really liked him I can not believe Simmerson just keeps coming back like a bad penny!
