Complete Clone of Rami Movies

The lead sounds, looks and behaves like Bruce Campbell. The style of comedy reeks of Rami. The attorney that gets puked on even bears a startling resemblence to Ted Rami. Come on, guys. The flick is a ripoff of the early Rami/Campbell stuff. Admittedly, it's entertaining in the same way the Rami stuff was...


All of Troma's stuff is inspired by Sam Raimi's early works. This is nothing new or surprising.


...and Sam Raimi was "inspired" by the Three Stooges and the Marx Brothers. It's not like he invented the concept of slapstick comedy, low-brow humor or corny jokes.

Troma was founded in '74. Their first true Kaufman-Herz feature was 'Squeeze Play!' in '79, which is packed to the brim with corny slapstick. 'Squeeze Play!' was a theatrical feature (and a partially successful one at that), where as Sam Raimi was still making low-key student films at the time. Troma's formula of boobs + corny jokes continued until '85 ('The Toxic Avenger') when they changed it to boobs + corny jokes + gore, which was still several years before Raimi perfected "splatstick" with 'Evil Dead II'.

The only Troma film that I would say is very obviously inspired by Raimi's work is 1988's 'Frostbiter: Wrath of the Wendigo' (released in '96), but only because it's a direct parody of the first two 'Evil Dead' movies.
