Watersports joke?

I was only half-watching this abysmal film but I swear I heard a watersports joke. The two kids are in the woods and the boy suggests writing a personal ad for the moose. He then gives a jokey example ad and includes "enjoys watersports" in this.

Did this really happen or was I imagining this? I mean...I guess "watersports" could have an innocent explanation. Polo or whatever. But I think in the context of a personal ad, "watersports" would mean something else entirely.

Dedicated to STOPPING ROBBASE'S SPAM! http://www.petitiononline.com/robbase


lol yeah i didn't pick it up but I'd imagine they've said that because he actually crossed the water. Who knows though maybe the writers were having a bit of fun :D

you must be watching this on channel 5 in England right?

I'm quite enjoying it haha


Yeah, on Channel Five. They show loads of really crap American made-for-tv movies. This was awful even by those standards, though. The watersports comment was the only worthwhile part. Maybe in Canada, they dont know what "watersports" can mean.

Dedicated to STOPPING ROBBASE'S SPAM! http://www.petitiononline.com/robbase


You need to get your facts straight, Nigel darling--this was a Canadian made-for-TV movie, and FYI, it's a big hit with many viewers. Children, for whom it was intended, love it especially.

So, go soak your silly head, genius.

He filled in the blank with adolescent ignorance and that tiresome smirk of his....
