MovieChat Forums > The Rock (1996) Discussion > So the dead Marines' families that Humme...

So the dead Marines' families that Hummel was trying to help...?

...can all just go to hell and never receive compensation? And Hummel is portrayed as the villain??? How the hell did this movie get such good reviews?

"Does your society have any other adjectives besides great?" - Pvt. Church


I didn't see him as the villain it was even shown in the movie he didn't kill a single person and had no intention of releasing the rockets. The main villain was governments and the marines who killed hummel.


He could have just as easily threatened to reveal all the secret black ops as his leverage. He didn't need to also take hostages and threaten a city with WMDs. He was a villian, his heart was in the right place maybe, but he was definitely a terrorist and a bad guy.


I want to know what was done to compensate those families, or barring that, I want to know why the filmmakers didn't deem it necessary to let the audience know one way or another what eventually happened with them. It was only the motivation for the whole story; why shouldn't we know?

"Does your society have any other adjectives besides great?" - Pvt. Church


The men whose honour Hummel claimed he was fighting for weren't duped or tricked. They went on these missions in full knowledge of what would happen (or not happen) should they not return. They were offered a means to serve their country in a particular way and they accepted. If you don't like the terms you don't apply for the job.

I've had a lot of sobering thoughts in my time Del Boy, it's them that started me drinking!


I take comfort in knowing that the microfilm will blow the lid wide open on this thing.

I donโ€™t need you to tell me how good my coffee is.๎‚›. ๎€๎‚ฌ


Revealing the black-ops would more than likely start international conflicts, even with US allies. Hummel wouldn't want, and he was no traitor. In the end, only he and David Moorse's characters were honorable, albeit misguided. Everything went south when the mercenary,once-soldiers wanted the money promised to them.


Hummel was not portrayed as the villain. He was a good man, just driven over the edge. He never had any intention of killing anyone. He didn't even want to kill the SEALs ("now more of our brothers have died in vein"). The psychotic marines he recruited for the first time (he even says it's his first time working with them) are the villains.

It makes me wonder though, why the hell did the government think it was a better idea to blow up the island (killing 81 civilians, 2 of their own guys, and a platoon of rogue marines, not to mention destroying a piece of history and making the whole show go public with a fantastic explosion) instead of just paying the $100 million? It's pocket change to them, and the whole thing could remain under wraps. I guess the whole "stance on terrorism" thing?


I guess the whole "stance on terrorism" thing?
Exactly! $100M to Hummel this week somebody comes looking for $200M next week.

I've had a lot of sobering thoughts in my time Del Boy, it's them that started me drinking!


There are more than two possible actions, including doing nothing.
