Just saw it ...

... thru NF instant watch. And who says they don't have a good selection anymore?

Actually, I was disappointed in it. The vibes I was picking up from it became clear when I saw one of the production houses was Hallmark, which specializes in family friendly, relatively harmless made-for-tv movies. The two conflicts between Crusoe and Friday - Crusoes sense of racial and religious superiority - felt rushed. "My god is the one true God" and "I'm not a slave!" ended with Friday going away in a huff, followed by a prefunctory reconciliation.

Its final message was one of tolerance and universal brotherhood. Family friendly and relatively harmless. I can see why this wasn't released on US television until 2001.


*Spoilers Follow*

I just saw it on Netflix too when my brother mentioned the book. And when I mentioned to him the Pierce Brosnan film he laughed. Mind you were both die hard Bond fans and Brosnan's one of our favorites.

I was actually enjoying it trying to get over the "tv movie" vibe. But when I saw the "NO SWIMMING" sign on the beautiful sunset horizon, ha! I started laughing like my brother! I mean really with TWO directors helming this DIDN'T ANYONE NOTICE THE BLOODY SIGN!? Took me out of the film til the end fight scene.

I gave it 3 stars because I really liked the ending. Even though I always wonder, if Friday wasn't shot. Would he have killed Crusoe?
