MovieChat Forums > Rasputin (1996) Discussion > Alan Rickman as Rasputan?

Alan Rickman as Rasputan?

I have not seen the movie but I just could not see him playing a good rasputan,
Christopher Lloyd is probably the best he even looks like Rasputan.
I have never heard Alan Rickman do anything other than a British accent which would seem sort of wierd for a Russian.

Same thing we do every night try to take over the world


Please, he's Alan Rickman. He can do anything.

No, seriously, he's quite good in this. Give it a chance.


I agree he is very good but it is like casting Gary Coleman as Shaq, OK that is a bit of an exageration but still.

Same thing we do every night try to take over the world


I would like to see that Christopher Lloyd version! You make me curious. But I agree with the other lady here, give Rickman's version a chance. OK, I admit it, I'm a big fan of him... but he really did a good performance.
Well, I don't expect anything else from the world's best actor ;-)

"Curtsy and I kill you!!" Alan Rickman, my personal Prince of Darkness


Actaully Christopher Lloyd played him in the animated movie Anistatsia but could have just as well done him in a live action movie.

Same thing we do every night try to take over the world


I actually thought this part might be a really difficult stretch, as Rickman tends to be such a civilized, sensitive type in most of his roles--good guys or bad. BUT...he tore up the screen. Talk about finding your inner wild man! JEEZ. It was an amazing performance. I highly recommend.


Die Hard, his first film - german accent
Judas Kiss, Dark Harbor, and Something the Lord Made - American Southern Accent
Rasputin - russian accent
Interview with Conan Obrien late night excellent imitation of his spanish speaking driving instructor. He's pretty good at different accents.


I guess that's what an actor has to be able to do otherwise one won't be allowed to study at the Royal Academy of Dramatic Arts :=)
Moreover he is vice president there now, people in the business seem to respect him very much!

"Curtsy and I kill you!" Alan Rickman


I have seen the Christoper version and I disliked it. He was an exaggerated actor who did a disgusting and crap job as the infamous monk. Alan on the other hand he did a brilliant job. The way he talked and interacted with the imperial family would of been like the way the real Rasputin would of done.

As for the accents did you notice Ian Mckellen's?? I mean it is Russian I know and he is English and Greta Sacchi is Australian trying to be German. But look at other American actors trying to protray European Characters' I see an American actor do it I just laugh so loud i have to be ushered out of the cinema.


Greta Schacchi is not Australian. She is English and Italian.


Yeah she was born in Italy. But she came to Australia when she was 15. And many think of her as Australian ;-)

I mean look at Nicole Kidman she was born in Hawaii and yet still classified as Australian or as most Australians say "Our Nick".


Also I think that Alan Rickman looked more like the Infamous Monk then Christoper. Rasputin had brown hair not black as many protray. I know this as I have seen a coloured sketch of Rasputin drawn in 1914. Give me Alan any day to Christoper who is way better in Back to the future. such a crap movie I know but it was the 80s.


First of all, Rasputin, not Rasputan.
I'm Russian and I can assure you that Alan Rickman is really brilliant in this movie.


Rasputin is largely considered Rickman's best performance, or at least after Die Hard. He's absolutely captivating as Rasputin and takes the crude, vile persona of the historical figure and turns him into a lusty, sensual character. His scenes with young Alexei are also intense. Alan Rickman is one of the most underrated actors today and it is a shame people do not know of his talents.


Please remember that Alan Rickman won BOTH the Emmy AND the Golden Globe that year for his performance in "Rasputin". That certainly says something about this film, doesn't it? I agree that Mr. Rickman is EXCELLENT with accents. Is there anything that man doesn't do well on the screen? He can do more with one look or word than anyone else can do in a whole film. "Harry Potter" anyone?!!! Can you tell that I absolutely LOVE Alan Rickman? What woman could resist? What woman would WANT TO? Just asking.......


I'm considering buying Rasputin as he did all about him for like a mini extra project at school.He's really interesting.And I love Alan Rickman too,so no doubt he'll probably be brilliant in this movie also!Though must admit,the only other accent I've heard Rickman do was a German one in Die Hard,that wasn't so bad,let's see if he can pull of Russian!

Vos Mos Nunquam Ingredior Unus


His Russian accent is quite good too; not too over the top, but enough to give him that Russian flavour. Rickman plays Rasputin exceedingly well and the film is historically really accurate! He even look like the real Rasputin!


I adore Rickman and Lloyd and thought they were both brilliant - even though, I don't think there was anything wrong about Alan 'physically' for the role - he looked like him!! (the nose and all!!) They both were brill!!!!


It's Rasputin, not Rasputan.
I can't imagine who could possibly play it better than Rickman.
Watch the movie first, then judge. ;-)
The movies is anyway in english, so what's the problem?



Alan Rickman is definitely amazing and underated. But saying Anastasia is inaccurate is kind of unfair. I mean, it is a kids movie. Just look as Pocahontas! Kids dont care about accurate.
