
Although I agree with many fans who feel the film doesn't have the same magic as the series, mostly due to the absence of Ellis and Rees, imo the loss of Judy Geeson as Caroline is even graver. Mel Martin and John Bow, while not the Demelza and Ross we're accustomed to, bring a lot of depth and presence to their portrayals. Sadly, Fiona Victory, the actress playing Caroline, is so lacking in charisma that I can never really feel as though she actually is Caroline. I find I miss Geeson even more than I miss Ellis and Rees.

Ioan Gruffudd and Hans Matheson both do a great job with their roles, but I don't think Nicholas Gleaves, who plays Stephen, hits the right note, although the script might have had something to do with that, too.

Kelly Reilly - I'm normally impressed by her performances but there just doesn't seem to be enough "there" there in her portrayal of Clowance. I don't think Clowance's free-spirit and personality come through. It feels like Reilly is holding back too much. Her portrayals in her later roles are much better, imo.


I am hoping that the new adaptation of "Poldark" will be well received and new adaptations of later novels will come out too. I agree with you about the actors who play Ross and Demelza in this adaptation they just don't have magnetism of Robin Ellis and Angharad Rees. As for Caroline Penvenen I didn't realize that her character was in this adaptation.


(Re: Caroline) She's easy to miss!


I actually own this Poldark film. It' part of a 4-disc set that also includes The Cater Street Hangman, The Four Feathers, and Lady Audley's Secret --all worth the price of the set.

What bothers me most about this film is the way it rushes through the story. Some of the best parts of the book were left out. But I also think this film suffers from some of the plot choices Graham made; I never liked Stephen in the novel, and believed Clowance had more sense than to get involved with such a loser.


But I also think this film suffers from some of the plot choices Graham made; I never liked Stephen in the novel, and believed Clowance had more sense than to get involved with such a loser.

Uh oh - I did wonder. I'm currently reading The Stranger from the Sea, and thinking that Mr Graham and I may soon be through. The story so far reads like bad fan fiction - sort 'ten years later', loads of backstory, historic cameos, all the characters have delightful children, here's a reminder how beautiful, wilful and heroic the Poldarks used to be. Ross and Demelza barely speak for the first quarter - half? - of the book! George has become some sort of teenage boy whose every inner urge is patiently explained by Graham, whereas I used to prefer him as a moody enigma of a character. And ugh tomboy Clowance and sensitive, intelligent Jeremy. I think Graham should have finished with The Angry Tide.

Does Stranger get better? Are the other books worth reading?  Help please!

"Tony, if you talk that rubbish, I shall be forced to punch your head" - Lord Tony's Wife, Orczy


I don't know about the other books. This one bugged me so much that I never read the rest.
