I Loved this fim.

I Loved this film. I just loved the 1930s look and the imaginative story line.
Why do people not like this film ???


I agree, its not that bad. Anything with Kristy Swanson and Katherine Zeta Jones can't be all that bad.



im a huge phantom fan and really enjoyed it too


Wow it's great to see I'm not alone in liking this movie. It wasn't perfect but I did enjoy it.

Focker, out.


I was 19 when this film had come out. I had been a fan of the Phantom ever since the "Defenders of the Earth" , and was 10 shades of jazzed when this film came out. One of the greatest thrills I had was being able to procure a copy of the movie poster - a poster that I still have.
Great movie.

"Your speech is wild and godless... but I find myself liking you." - Solomon Kane


This film was terrific.

Whose your motherfocker now?


This is indeed an underrated film. Zane made a very good Kit AND Phantom, and Catherine Zeta Jones was fantastic as the bad girl. The problem was a so-so plot, a so-so performance by Treat Williams as the villain, and the extreme ineptitude that is Kristy Swanson. I've always thought her to be great looking, but she just doesn't have the acting chops nor the presence to pull off the female lead in a major production.

Casting is everything ... especially in a film of this type. Too bad the producers didn't try a second effort. The production values on this film were spot-on.


not nearly as good as the original.


I enjoyed it too. It had basically everything I ask for in a movie, and I reckon if it had been made in ways that would have made it a huge hit, I wouldn't have liked it nearly as much. Hurray for a certain amount of gentleness!


Agreed, this was a fun movie.


I loved it. When I read through the negative comments on here, most seem to come from people who really don't know the comic. For example I just read through a whole thread of people whining about the suit being purple (which it usually is in the comic except in some countries where the colour was different). And complaints about his eyes being shown. Not showing eyes in the comic is a stylistic decision. It's not as if the phantom really wears a mask that just shows white patches for his eyes.
My only real complaint was that there was a bit too much emphasis on supernatural elements. That tends to be pretty rare in the comic. It does happen but stories that deal with the supernatural are the exception rather than the norm.


All in all a good movie and Zane is very good in the role. Old comic heros are hard to bring to the screen today cause back then what the heros could do was limited. Guns and fists had to suffice. Bringing them up to date is problematic. I thought this film only suffered from being too light hearted; I don't remember the comic strip ever being like that. And while Williams isn't bad, he was not the evil or threatening bad guy he should have been (and no, tossing spears at people doesn't make him so). Tagawa as Sengh was much better and might have done better as the lead bad guy. Still, an entertaining flick.


I saw The Phantom when it first appeared in theaters, and thought it was perfectly done. Billy Zane made a great Phantom, and the production values were superb.. Watched it again last night on a movie channel, and my original opinion still holds. My partner and I wondered why it did so poorly at the box office, and finally decided that it wasn't promoted enough and/or properly.


I just rewatched this film after a long time last night and I have to say that it is quite a good movie. I think Billy Zane did a great job playing the Phantom and think that picking him over Bruce Cambell (no offense to him; I think he's a great actor but he doesn't just look the part) was a great decision on the part of the filmmakers.

As for the flaws already pointed out, while I agree that Xander Drax being way too hammy is indeed a problem within this film, the Phantom's eyes being shown is absolutely not. Honestly, how many live-action comic book movies have you seen where the main character's eyes are "blind opaque" just like how the character's eyes are in the comics? I haven't seen any to date and I've seen plenty of comic book movies in my lifetime. Also, unless the filmmakers wanted to have Billy Zane wear white opaque lenses (and thus be a danger to himself and/or others since he nor anybody else obviously can't see through such lenses) or use CGI to replicate the look for authenticity, it would be too impractical and/or expensive to have the Phantom have white eyes while in costume, thus the whole argument about being able to see the Phantom's eyes sounds more like nitpicking to me rather than pointing out an actual flaw.

Welcome to my Nightmare- Freddy Krueger

