Everytime I hear a souther accent...

I think that person is a stupid hillbily, inbred, redneck. I'm sorry, I know I'm being prejudiced but I can't help it 
And don't get me started when they go off talking about God and all that 


That's ridiculous. Accents are regional, they have nothing to do with education. That's like saying when I hear a British accent, I think the person is rich and snotty despite the fact there are tons of low-income, working class Brits. One doesn't choose an accent, they're imparted due to your locale. I can't take you seriously on anything to do with this case.


I do agree with what you are saying regarding accents being regional and being no determination a person's intellect, HOWEVER, the majority of the parents and other town's people came off as uneducated and not overly bright to me. It was mainly due to their extremely poor grammar but the slow southern drawl sure didn't help either. And if I'm being honest, even the lawyers who are obviously educated with above average intelligence, they just don't seem as smart and yes, competent, as someone who has more of a crisp articulation and cadence to their speech. It's just very difficult in my opinion for someone's speech to have a strong dignity and commanding presence, a gravitas if you will - with that southern twang. They may be great attorneys and their accent is perfectly fine for Arkansas, but they wouldn't be good attorneys for a more cultured, urban city or reigon. It's just hard for accents like that to be read as sophisticated; that may be unfair, but it's true.


This is how I feel about a lot of northeast and west coast accents.
