our son, the goofball

just finished watching this on lifetime. the son was such a geek! i got so tired of his huge smile and everything in life is beautiful attitude. ick


This was the dumbest movie I have ever seen.

The son's wife looked like a dog.

RIP Estelle Getty 1923-2008


It was pretty bad. Poor Ellen Burstyn. She must have really owed some bill collectors to sign on for this thing.

The son's wife did look VERY bad. She was ugly. The son was so sappy but, still, wasn't a bad looking guy. The producers really should cast a better looking actress in the role of the wife.


Oh my god, I just came on here because I'm watching this movie right now, and I had to do a double take before looking away from the doggishness of Judy, Scott's wife. Seriously, it seems that wardrobe and hair decided to uglify her for some strange purpose.


Wow, some nasty remarks here!!

... this movie was close to my heart because I also was denied motherhood. It's hard to understand the wounds if you've not been there or know someone who has.. and if you DO, then shame on you for such vile comments.

These performers did a fantastic job and I would hope you have better things to do than disparage people you don't even know.

Oh ~ and by the way, 'Judy' (Jennifer Sky) is GORGEOUS.


I couldn't have said that better myself, Zany.

It resonates with me as well ~ the 'mores' of that era dictated secrecy for 'good girls' who got 'in trouble'.

Heck, my own mother *had* to get married! It'd be interesting to know if Julie's character's mother, Iva Mae, also had to have a quickie wedding... and tried her da**edest to deter Julie from the same path.


Umm, you can totally tell that the actress is gorgeous behind the big glasses and weird hairstyle.

I mean, look at her IMDB pic. She's on the cover of effing Maxim. http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0805021/?ref_=tt_cl_t11

This movie was really cute. Haters gonna hate.
