The kitten

That poor kitten! Dragged across the city by the scruff of its neck...I don't think that'd be allowed in films today, and for good reason. I just wanted to take the poor thing away from then throughout the entire time it was on screen!


Funny, I didn't feel sorry for the kitten at all, because I didn't think he was being treated badly. Cats carry their kittens by the scruff of their necks all the time and this one was being held quite carefully. Really, I don't get why you're freaking out about this.


I was just about to start a topic with the same issue.
I felt really bad for the poor kitty. Being literally run around with while a guy is shouting into it's ears. You can hear the kitty all the time, screaming it's lungs out because it's afraid.

Poor kitty!


The poor thing did make a lot of noise, but kittens are pretty vocal. If you pick one up and its not used to being handled a lot they will do that. It doesn't mean she was torturing it.



I thought the kitten part was a nice touch. The little girl needed it and the Dad did what the little girl needed. Was he to lose his job? Or did you think it would work as well if it was a doll or a security blanket they carried around all day?


Well look what they did with the fish at the beginning. I thought they were going to wind up sloshed out onto the sidewalk, especially when she was running. And I don't know if fish get sick from being shook around too much but if they do they certainly would have been sick after that, even the water was all churned up. As for the kitten I don't remember seeing it carried around by the neck but yeah, kittens do cry a lot. That doesn't mean that they are being mistreated. Even though the mother carries them around by the neck doesn't mean we should though, we can hurt them, especially when they are adults. They are too heavy to be carried like that.


Well there was a Humane Society rep probably present during the numerous scenes featuring the animals depicted within the film. -But yeah, the treatment of the kitty within terms of production standards did seem a little nihilistic, but you must also remember that the kitty was within the same chaos the two kids were going through (who also showed emotional 'wear' through the abrupt actions of their parents depicted within the movie).


Oh, I know! That poor kitten AND the fish!

When we see things like this in the movies, my husband always says,
"That was a "stunt kitten" who has been well compensated for his work in this film!"


I sure hope so!! ;)


I agree. The little girl was running around and the kitten was shaking around in her arms and she was grabbing it by the scruff. And I got worried about the kitten in real life. Cats don't like being held too much and they have a good way of squirming out of your hands. What if it ran out into the street?


You do realize that the kitten didn't literally get dragged all over the city right? They don't film movies in one long take. There are multiple, multiple takes over a long period of time (usually months) with breaks in between takes. Also, that likely wasn't even the same kitten the whole time. If it was, either they filmed this really fast before the kitten grew at all or the kitten was the slowest growing cat in the world, lol. Chances are there were several different kittens used during filming.

"The idea that some lives matter less is the root of all that's wrong with the world."
