A sequel?

Maybe they could make a sequel with the kids grown up, with their college life and have them bump into each other. Maybe have George and Michelle come back to cameo their roles as the parents. Have a few people come back from the first one, Melanie's mom or her ex-husband. Jack's ex come back, his therapist or maybe Celia (Amanda Peet looks pretty much the same). It'll be an interesting sequel. Make it serious but light and fun, like the first but have the same type of writing the first had. I don't know if Alex or Mae (who are now 26 and 27) have chemistry on screen on the same level as George and Michelle but it's worth a try.


great idea Mae is still acting but it looks like Alex is not acting anymore. last movie he made was in 2007.

Mr. Shue, let me be your Britney

