Mira Sorvino

Many people criticized her performance in NJ&M, but I thought she did really well. Playing a person so well known, so stereotyped and charactertuered, everyone is going to come in with pre-conceptions. But I thought she did the voice so very well.



I thought Mira Sorvino lacked Marilyn's raw sexuality which Ashley Judd seemed to have a lot more of. Mira Sorvino is cute, not really sexy.




I think she did the voice wonderfully, although I must say that I think just from how they physically look Judd would have been better as marilyn and Mira would have made a better Norma.


My problem with Sorvino is, why did she have to play MM as such a ditz?

You Can Lead a Horticulture, but You Can't Make Her Think!


mira sorvino was a bad choice as marilyn monroe in my opinion. she did the voice perfectly, but she didnt even look like her. if i would have to choose NOW, i would probably choose someone like gwen stefani, or somebody like that to play her. i cant think of anybody else




She played Marilyn as a ditz because it was written that way. Actors are just channels through which a story is told, and while they can supplement mannerisms or depth to the character, i HIGHLY doubt it was scripted as marilyn being intelligent and mira saying "oooh how bout i play it ditzy??!"

Plus, they can't cast Gwen Stefani in a starring role as Marilyn, no matter the physical resemblance. She doesn't have the acting experience to take a leading role yet, especially for such a famous icon. Besides, her father was a famous and well-respected actor as well, so I'm sure that helped her.

I think Mira was great personally in the role.


Gwen Stefani doesn't have a father who was a famous actor. Look up her Bio- nothing about it. Mira Sorvino's father is a famous actor.


Gwen Stefani is a singer, a bad one btw. She's not an actress. I know she plays Jean Harlow in The Aviator, but she appears on screen for just a few seconds.
She does what tons of celebrities try so hard and fails miserably like all of them: she tries to look like Marilyn so hard. Did I need to mention that piece of crap who goes by the name of Madonna? Just to name a few others: Christina Aguilera, Britney Spears, Christina Hendriks, Lindsay Lohan, the deceased Anna Nicole Smith, Paris Hilton, Kylie Minogue.


You're so right.

I don't think that Norma Jean was played as angry before she was "killed" but then she was a taunting antagonist that Marilyn was supposed to feel inferior to.




I thought both Judd and Sorvino were wonderful aas the two sides of Marilyn.


i thought she completely sucked


I pretty much wrote off this movie the moment Mira Sorvino appeared. Not that she is a bad actress but she was totally mis-cast in this role, and trying to pull off two very different-looking actresses as the same person (Norma Jean / Marilyn) was thoroughly unconvincing. Also Mira Sorvino looks nothing like Marilyn Monroe and exudes very little of Marilyn's sexual charisma, blonde wig or not.


I have to admit I really didn't care for Mira Sorvino in this. Ashley Judd's performance was so strong that Mira didnt hold a candle to her. And I understand that was partially portrayal of the dueling personalities, etc.

I just didn't think her acting was very strong in general and felt they could've cast the part better.
