
An under-rated movie. Very funny and clever. Good paring. Rest in peace Jack!


I agree. One of the most underrated movies I've seen. And one of the best films of the 1990s. I'm not a political guy, but this movie is flat out hilarious! Great performaces all around too and something for everyone to like!


Underrated indeed. 6.3 isn't fair for this one.


You are quite right. This film should have been a very successful movie. I saw it again tonight and both my wife and I laughed far louder and far more often than we do at the average "good comedy."

Now I'm not going to go overboard and say it was one of the five funniest movies I've ever seen. But it was sure a lot funnier than (rough estimate) 85% of the comedy movies I've seen.

One of the great visual laughs came when we see the guy in the men's room react as he suddenly sees that the previous U.S. president has just walked up to use the urinal next to him, and then turns to the guy who just walked up on his other side and is stunned to see it is another former president. I laugh just trying to picture my reaction if that happened to me.

I also would like to point out that I have been turned off by movies that were full of cursing. The language here was rarely that harsh and it all seemed to fit the situation and the characters. It wasn't a problem for me.


Agreed, but it's too clever for it's own good. Really clever comedies, no matter how funny, never seem to get the respect they deserve.


I remember enjoying this back in the late 90's.
