Comparison to Shoah

I don't know how many people know the Shoah documentaries by Claude Lanzmann, but is seems Mr. Verhoeven used some of his touch. I noticed 2 similarities, to be exact:

1) The train engineer showing the deportees they'll be killed (also the shots of him leaning out the engine - the same as the train engineer in Shoah who used to transport deportees to Treblinka).

2) The interview with the SS Officer during end credits resembles strongly to the interview with Franz Suchomel (SS Officer in Treblinka) Mr. Lanzmann shot in Shoah.

Just an observation. I also need to agree with most comments: shooting this movie with present interweaving with the past is really pathetic, it should've been avoided. Pauline Collins is miscast, and Elsa really didn't show much courage at all, but rather great meekness and indecision.

Just my two cents.


The VERY CONFUSING beginning comes very close to derailing this film. I am lucky to have stuck it out as it rewards in the end.

As for Pauline Thomas being miscast ... I disagree. I really liked her in the role ... she was very genuine and her breakdown was heartfelt.

Finally you are right, she was very meek yet sometimes being meek takes great courage. Anyone can fall to pieces but she kept it together pretty well which may have saved her life. IMHO.
