The choice of Nolte

Am I the only one to have reservations about the choice of Nick Nolte for the role of Howard W. Campbell Jr?

As much as I admire Nick Nolte in other roles, he just seemed too old for this part. Even when he was playing a young man in Berlin in the first half of the movie, he seemed like an old timer.

It's easier (and generally more convincing) for a young actor to assume the role of an old man than for a 55-year-old to play a 30-year-old.


No reservations. Nolte is one of the five finest actors of his generation in my opinion. He's amazing in this one!



this is my favorite nolte performance ever.


I thought he did a good job of portraying a man in his middle age and his old age. The transformation wasn't entirely due to make-up but the way Nolte spoke and carried himself.


i concur: Nick Nolte's Best!


I thought that Nolte portrayed the part spot on. I also liked the way they made everyone in the movie a little old for their age. It always bothers me when they get an actor or actress for a movie that is to young for the part or they have perfectly cut hair and well maintained physiques that are not correct for the time. My oppinion is that when making a period movie such as this one think about their day to day routine, these were hard times. He was sneaking around and worrying all the time that has to take a toll on you. I could liken it to a life long smoker who in reality is 40 years old, but they LOOK in their late 40s early 50s.

Also this movie kicks Rectum


I'm generally not bothered too much when it comes to allowing artistic license for age. A lot of middle-aged actors have played younger parts, and it's the acting rather than the lines on the face that count.

In any case, after seeing Nolte in this film and in "Affliction," he became one of my favorite actors (not having been too impressed with a lot of the work he did when he was younger).


You may have your reservations, but this is arguably Nolte's best role in his career - he was brilliant


I concur. Nolte was perfect for this part.
Too bad "Breakfast of Champions" had such a terrible script and direction.


I think he gave a great performance as Campbell. The character was transferred well to film. Having been almost an atypical Vonnegut protagonist with emotion when the time comes.


Let me sound the first note of discord and say... Yes, he looks too old in his young scenes. Very creased and ashy. I like him just fine in the movie, but his youthful scenes lack enthusianm and energy.


He played a great part!


I thought he was great. It's always tough to decide whether to make a young person age, or vice versa in a film spanning someone's long lifetime.

All in all ... I thought Nolte was ideal for the part ~ he has the ability to transmit irony ~ just the ticket for this movie.


( ~\/


Keith Gordon was lucky enough to get any recognizable actors in this film. He narrowed the lead role down to a few actors on his "wish list" and as luck would have it , someone asked him to appear in a bit part in one of Nolte's other films (I Love Trouble). He agreed to do it on the condition that he have at least one scene with Nolte, so he could get him alone and hand him the Mother Night script and ask him to do the part.

"Well, for once the rich white man is in control!" C. M. Burns


I agree with the first poster - he was too mature for the young playwright saying farewell to his parents as they left the country. That's just a minor concession I had to make to enjoy the rest of the film. If they had some young actor like Brad Pitt, the older scenes wouldn't have worked so well, despite the artistry of makeup.

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