MovieChat Forums > Mission: Impossible (1996) Discussion > The ending scene with Jon Voight's chara...

The ending scene with Jon Voight's character was so dumb. (Spoilers)

After Jim, Voights character, kills Claire, he only punches Ethan and tries to knock him out, but he leaves him alive. Why didn't he shoot Ethan as well?...Did he not have any more shots?

Rodents of Unusual Size?...I don't think they exist.


So the story can continue and Ethan gets his revenge! ( You could clearly see Ethan still has strong feelings for Claire, and is out for blood, saying, " Jim, I am gonna get you for this!!" )


Jackie - Listen to me yall!!!!!
Chris - Oh hell no! Stewardess! Get me another seat!!!


So that Ethan could still get the blame for it all after Jim had managed to escape. Or at least that's the only explanation that I can think of.

Joe Satriani - "Always With Me, Always With You"


Oh, and one more thing... Ethan already proved his innocence to Kittridge when Kittridge saw Phelps alive through that camera-watch Ethan prepared for him and Kittridge uttered that all-shivering line "good morning, Mr.Phelps." So he now knew who the real mole was.


How would Kittridge know that Phelps was really still alive and that it wasn't just Ethan in a Phelps-mask? Considering also that a Phelps-mask was indeed lying around in that train compartment (and a DNA test would probably reveal that Ethan had been wearing it).

And whether or not Kittridge knew (or believed) that Ethan was innocent doesn't preclude Phelps from thinking (or hoping) that he could still frame Ethan for his own criminal deeds; Phelps just needed to get away in time and unseen, and as long as Ethan stays alive, the suspicion (or partly suspicion, Ethan and Claire could have been the mole together) could still be on him.

Joe Satriani - "Always With Me, Always With You"


Phelps was supposed to have been shot to death by Ethan, remember? Then that pair or glasses. It was not any pair of glasses. At the beginning of the movie, Hanna gently sprays Gouiyn ( SP? ) with a formula and then she is able to see Gouiyn ( SP? ) very well. Watch the movie one more time, and you will see I what I mean. Ethan knows what he is doing.

Jackie - Listen to me yall!!!!!
Chris - Oh hell no! Stewardess! Get me another seat!!!


Phelps was supposed to have been shot to death by Ethan, remember? Then that pair or glasses. It was not any pair of glasses. At the beginning of the movie, Hanna gently sprays Gouiyn ( SP? ) with a formula and then she is able to see Gouiyn ( SP? ) very well. Watch the movie one more time, and you will see I what I mean. Ethan knows what he is doing.
I have watched the movie several times, there's no need for me to rewatch it. The points you raise are all irrelevant to Phelps' decision making and to what Kittridge might and might not believe. Of course Ethan knows what he's doing. But so does Phelps. And if Phelps had gotten away, then Ethan would have had a hard time explaining how he's innocent, and how he's not just trying to play Kittridge and the IMF, and how some guy who escaped in a helicopter wasn't just one of Ethan's men. Especially since the IMF would need a fall guy after their blunders, and Ethan is just the most suitable guy if they can't catch some ex-employee who may or may not have been killed in Prague. (If Ethan was killed by Phelps, then the IMF couldn't ignore the fact that they still hadn't caught the real culprit. But if Ethan was still alive, then he's the most likely suspect, or at least an accomplice, so he would be the one being grilled by IMF; and in the meanwhile, Phelps would get away.)

By the way, the guy's name is Golitsyn. Played by actor Marcel Iures. And nobody told Kittridge that Phelps was shot to death by Ethan. (The only one who "witnessed"/believed Phelps being shot to death in Prague, was Ethan. Oh and you, the spoon-fed viewer, of course. For all Kittridge knew, if Phelps was still alive he might very well be working for Ethan.)

Joe Satriani - "Always With Me, Always With You"


OK, enough is enough. They already found the real mole. And that was enough for them. They didn't need anyone to point fingers at. Kittridge already saw Phelps alive. How? Through that camera-watch and those glasses that Ethan was wearing. Like I said before, they aren't just any glasses. They triggered the camera-watch that Kittridge was wearing. And you asked what if what it was seeing was a mask. Good point. But let's imagine what one could have seeing through those glasses. WOW. OK. We have difference of opinions. Let's leave it at that. I am getting tired of this. Kittridge found the mole he had been looking for, Ethan proved his innocence, and all ended in happiness.


Jackie - Listen to me yall!!!!!
Chris - Oh hell no! Stewardess! Get me another seat!!!


The OP asked what Phelps' reasons might have been to decide to leave Ethan alive. I merely offered a good and plausible explanation to the OP. And I merely replied to you with clarifications of that explanation because you were soliciting responses from me.

(And yes, I too, like everybody else who saw the movie, know what those "Visco glasses" and the watch were doing.)

Joe Satriani - "Always With Me, Always With You"


Judging from what Claire said to "Ethan in disguise," it was Phelps' full intention to kill Ethan. But out of shock of being discovered alive and being said "good morning, Mr. Phelps," by Kittridge, he totally lost it and only shot Claire before moving on to his rendez-vous with the helicopter. A man totally out of his mind, but to be expected, since he was discovered as the "mole deep inside."


Jackie - Listen to me yall!!!!!
Chris - Oh hell no! Stewardess! Get me another seat!!!


Phelps wasn't said "Good morning, Mr. Phelps", because the watch doesn't have a camera or a microphone (nor did the visco glasses have a screen/display or a speaker), so Phelps couldn't see Kittridge nor hear what Kittridge said. Phelps may have hoped that as long as he could get out of the hands of IMF, there was enough doubt to arrest Ethan since Ethan's the one who's covered in evidence. Phelps shot Claire because Claire pleaded to Phelps not to kill Ethan, which hints that Phelps couldn't trust Claire anymore as she might be taking sides with Ethan and hence spill their escape plans and whatnot to the IMF; so she had to die.

If Claire and Ethan were both found dead, after Phelps' face had been witnessed in the camera watch, then there wouldn't be any doubt (or at least much less doubt) that Ethan was a good guy and that Phelps was still alive. But as long as Ethan remains alive and nobody else could be found and/or caught, he's still the main suspect and could still get all the blame. (Large sums of money had been found on bank accounts of Ethan's family. Ethan had been recruiting disavowed agents, broken into Langley, stolen the real NOC list and made deals with Max. The 10 million that Ethan had negotiated from Max were gone. Everyone from Ethan's team turns up dead, except Ethan himself. There's a mask of Phelps' face with Ethan's DNA on it. Max had never seen Job, or spoken in person to Job, so Job could be anyone; it's even likely that Claire had taken care of all communications between Phelps and Max.)

But I agree, had Ethan not recorded Phelps' face with the glasses, then Phelps would probably have killed Ethan and made his getaway, assured of the fact that nobody else knew that he was still alive; and leaving Kittridge with an unsolvable riddle of who the mysterious Job was who killed everyone involved in the deal.

Joe Satriani - "Always With Me, Always With You"


Kittridge was saying that VERY cynically. "well, hello there, Mr. Mole." And yes, Claire herself was in love with Ethan. So, both were in love with each other. What started out as a trap for Ethan resulted in a real love. That aroused jealousy in Phelps. Enough to kill her. And unfortunately, being discovered alive aroused enough panic in him to not "finish the job" and just rush out to meet his helicopter. And even if he did "finish the job," Kittridge now knew everything. Anyways. I am done with this. It's useless. It's useless to go on and on over such a thing. The story made good sense to me. Kittridge got his mole ( VERY deep inside ), even Max ( "Hello, Max" ), and cleared Ethan off the disavowed list. Why dwell on such a thing?

What did anger me the most was using Phelps as the villain. I was too young ( not even born yet ) to see the original series on TV, but from what I can see, Phelps was the heart and soul of the original series. Couldn't they have come up with a different name?! I am a major "trekkie," and Captains Kirk and Jean-Luc Picard are my heroes. I grew up watching reruns of the original series. Using Phelps as the villain is just as bad as using Kirk as the one who killed his entire crew, including SPOCK!! Ugh! I would have gone LIVID ( to put it mildly ).


Jackie - Listen to me yall!!!!!
Chris - Oh hell no! Stewardess! Get me another seat!!!


He may indeed have only had 2 bullets seeing how it was a custom pistol that he had to construct on the train, and the scene that showed him putting the weapon together only showed him putting in 2 bullets.


I'm trying to remember if he fired that second shot. Obviously the first one killed Claire, but I think Ethan knocked the gun out of Jim's hand and the second shot went off. I could be wrong, but I swear I heard two shots.

"Doesn't anybody f@@@in' knock anymore?"---Brad, Fast Times at Ridgemont High


I thought so too. Definetely need to rewatch it to check it out.

"I'm the ultimate badass,you do NOT wanna f-ck wit me!"Hudson,Aliens😬


Yes, the gun had only two rounds and both shots went off. One shot hit Claire, then Ethan slammed the gun into the luggage rack and if you listen you can hear the other shot going off.


It's stupid progressive bull$hit. Now ask me how I really feel.

NO SIGNATURE FOR YOU! Come back one Year! Men have sacks, women have holes


The ending with all the ridiculous twists (especially Claire being in on it too as well as the guy Ethan had trouble with apparently was his companion). I couldn't even get all the pieces together, it almost ruined the movie for me. And then I already had problems with some of the cheesy dialogue.
