Loud and obnoxious Americans

Although the contemporary press made a big deal about French anachists that tried to ruin the festival, this movie depicts another group of people as troublesome.....Americans! Scattered throughout the movie are the occasional American festival goers, yelling at the hired guards and promoters, interrupting Joni Mitchell's set and yelling at each other. But seemed like they had more bark than bite.


this was in the uk, how the hell you know it wasnt brits u twat


Shut up emmetfields, you don't know what you're talking about you loser.
Have you ever heard of an American accent? You can tell who is American by the way they talked. Obviously you haven't seen this movie and I did.

Seriously, the Isle of Wight Festival had an international audience, from all over Europe and America. Many Americans were there among the Italians, French, Spaniards, Irish, Scandinavian, German and UK rock fans.


Obviously they were drunken Brits imitating (poorly)an American accent. I have it on good authority that there was a plot by football hooligans to take over the festival just to piss off the frog anarchists.


You don't make any sense either, Stevie.


Not trying to "make sense" cryptie. I just enjoy pricking the hot air out of obnoxious brits. Crawl back in your crypt.



I'm from New York City! And American.

Just watch the movie and you'll see the American concert goers yelling and screaming at the producers and the security guards.

By the way Cryptical Envelopement is correct too! I'm a Grateful Dead fan, who sadly did not perform at the Isle of Wight. They had a chance to, but decided to stay home and record the "American Beauty" album.
