Young DiCaprio

As a teenager Leo DiCaprio was such a beautiful looking kid.


Well, I agree. However, he was born in 1974 and this came out in 1996, so unless it sat in the can for a long time before being released, he was evidently in his early 20s in it.

I have seen enough to know I have seen too much. -- ALOTO


Yeah, he would've been like, 20 when this was filmed. But yes, as just about everyone thinks, the young DiCaprio is absolutely gorgeous. One of the most attractive men I've ever seen.


Leo was drop-dead gorgeous in a raw, natural way when he was young and rising as an actor, unlike these buffed-up-at-the-gym, face-full-of-make-up rising male stars at Hollywood nowadays. He looked average and youthful for his age body wise - not the same could be said about other male young actors who looked 25 when they were 19 or 20.
