MovieChat Forums > The Long Kiss Goodnight (1996) Discussion > Wow this was scripted before 9/11

Wow this was scripted before 9/11

Mitch: You're telling me that you're gonna fake some terrorist thing, just to scare some money out of Congress?
Leland Perkins: Well, unfortunately, Mr. Hennessey, I have no idea how to fake killing 4,000 people - so we're just gonna have to do it for real. Blame it on the Muslims, naturally. Then I get my funding.


that is just creepy


Did you not notice the World Trade Centre bombing in 1993? I know Americans have a reputation for not knowing what's going on in the world due to very insular news coverage, but I thought they knew what was going on in their own country. Obviously not.


The mainstream media was too busy showing over and over again the Los Angeles riots of the previous year to inform Americans about any silly ol' WTC attack.

The motive for the WTC attacks is this: the result of the Nuremburg trials declared "initiating wars of aggression illegal" therefore, a desire for a "defensive move" or "vengeance" excuse or rather, "pre-emptive strikes" arose. The Nuremburg also declared that governments, lobbyists, propagandists, televangelists, mercenary army leaders and corporations would be held responsible as "individuals" because they hold too much advanced weaponry power to be immune from prosecution. These groups will be brought to trial for uniting in illegal warmongering. They are entrusted by citizens with too much technology and ability to misuse it so they must be held accountable. The citizens pay for the weaponry that is used against them and for genocide against their will. To protect mankind from such abuses of power, the oppressed and defenseless need protection from an international court therefore.

Other than that, I'm too isolated to know what else is going on in the world because news from the mass media is too limited and profit motivated. Not. But your point was fair and accurate.

Since the industrialized labor-themed movies "A Bugs Life" and "Ants" came out simultaneously in 1998, one can see that sharing of information is going on. Both "cartoons" seem to refer to late Iraq leader Hussein. Boeing executives sit on the board of directors at ABC. Iraqis were sprayed like bugs, exterminated, as were Kuwaiti citizens before them. The movie "Jarhead" is a good reference film to research how Kuwaiti citizens fleeing from war zones were exterminated with ant spray. You won't see news reporters and propagandists making that connection for Americans either.

All of those goats are facing the Hague, by the way.

I Get My News From Deek Jackson


I dont know what's going on. I was in junior high school in 1993, and I remember the WTC bombings very clearly.


Yeah, everyone remembers the WTC bombing. But the fact is, nobody worried about Islamic radicals because the then current administration didn't use that attack to demonize the entire religion. Also, a few years after that, there was a much worse terrorist attack on US soil committed by an American, overshadowing Islamic fundamentalism.

In fact, up until 9/11 the greatest threat of terrorism on American soil came from Americans- the Unibomber, the Weathermen, Oklahoma City, the Tylenol poisonings, Eric Rudolph, the KKK, etc. So blaming it on the Muslims would be a good move to convince politicians at that time, but not the American populous.


The WTC1 AND the Murrah Center were both false flag ops sanctioned by W.J. Clinton.

"They sucked his brains out!"


What does the term "false flag op" mean?


A false flag is where party A commits an act against party B while framing/pretending to be party C for the act.


Ta thanks for explaining.



Life imitates art. Or is it the other way around? Another thing i noticed was that hollywood started using muslim terrorist as bad guys in the 90's. Almost like we were being prepped to accept a war on terror. Early 80's to early 90's it was international drug dealers as the bad guys. Before that it was the Russians ofcourse.


That's funny, in The Sum Of All Fears they changed from Muslim to German.


Not surprising considering how many action movies Golan-Globus were involved with during this era.


Almost like 'the writing on the wall' isn't it.A script of 'historical events' handed out in advance.The national dialogue.

Takes me back to philosophy 101;how can you tell the difference,between whats real and a dream...?

But in this isn't a 'dream,' its art;storytelling.

Everybody loves a good story.


Another thing i noticed was that hollywood started using muslim terrorist as bad guys in the 90's.

Maybe because there were Muslims carrying out terrorist attacks decades before this, and have been increasing in numbers since the 70's.


Yeah Hyper, that pissed me off. Also, in another Tom Clancy book someone uses a 747 to destroy the Capitol building in the exact same way as the 9/11 terrorists in a book that was released years beforehand.


I know its a lot of crazy coincidences heres a few things that can clear it up


Somehow, even though I was about 10 or 11 at the time, I didn't know about it until later on in life. Then again, I didn't really watch the news when I was 10. It's weird how some people don't know about the bombing in '93. I still find the occasional person who can't understand how Notorious B.I.G. mentions the world trade blowing up in a song years before 9/11, lol. On the other hand, no one ever seems to make mention that the two kids from Columbine had a plan after the shooting to...hijack a plane and crash it into the World Trade Center. Now that's a coincidence.


That was Debt of Honor.

All your base are belong to us.


An interesting observation and a very plausible MO. But it is definitely a plot point we will probably not see in another American film for quite some time.

Dalton and Craig! Accept NO substitutes!



You aren't seriously blaming the terrorist attack of 9/11 on the United States government?? How dare you. That is an insult to me as an American and the 3,000 people who died in the attack and their families. It is people like you who are the problem is the country. Your political correctness is dangerous and it threatens all of us because you can't see who the real enemy is...Islmaic radicals. I wish you hated them as much as you hate George W. Bush.


Thank you,sir, for setting the record straight. The depth of stupidity to be found in some gullible, wrong-headed "conspiracy theorists" defies belief. No need to try and apply reason or facts in a discussion like this, though. The Loony Left has let their hatred derange them. Leave them to huddle in their government-sponsored housing, murmuring their feverish anti-Bush litanies. The truth is not in them.


Why don't you stop your mutual masturbation with mfb603 for long enough to look up some real facts about these incidents as opposed to your spoon fed CNN BS, otherwise leave the discussions here for grownups. M'kay?

"No man is just a number"


Your tin-foil hat is showing. That's a look that works for you, though.

"It ain't dying I'm talking about, it's living!!!"
Augustus McCrae


Thank's for the compliment, but I don't swing that way.

"No man is just a number"


WTC7: NIST Finally Admits Freefall (3 parts):

What a Gravity-Driven Demolition Looks Like:

9/11 Experiments: Newton vs. NIST:

9/11 Theories: Expert vs. Expert:

9/11: Explosive Evidence -- Experts Speak Out (Full):

9/11 Experiments: The Great Thermate Debate:

9-11 in the Academic Community:

9/11: NIST engineer John Gross denies WTC molten steel (extended):

Cutter Charges in the North Tower of the World Trade Center:

David Chandler Race With Gravity:

Denying The Obvious - NIST, Bažant and the 9/11 Debunkers:

Improbable Collapse:

Jonathan Cole: Eutectic steel study building 7 WTC 9/11/01:

The Missing Jolt: A Simple Refutation of the NIST-Bazant Collapse Hypothesis:

David Chandler Destruction of the World Trade Center North Tower and Fundamental Physics:

Freefall and Building 7 on 9/11:

25 Points of Specific Concern in the NIST WTC Reports:A White Paper on NIST's
Omissions, Distortions, and Fraud:

FEMA Appendix C:

It's easier to deceive the masses than to convince them that they've been deceived.
Truth is treason in the empire of lies.


All BS from "9/11 truth" cults.

David Chandler and Richard Gage are full of *beep*



THe muzz have been public assh*les since the 1972 Olympics. Should have started killing them all back then.

"They sucked his brains out!"


Seriously, do some research on this stuff. I'm not saying things happened one way or the other, but evidence shows that we could have very well had something to do with the attack. It's not a republican thing, it's not a democrat thing.


It's a schizoid paranoia thing to even consider such stupid ideas.

"It ain't dying I'm talking about, it's living!!!"
Augustus McCrae

