Please Explain

What was the scene about with the guy cutting his thumb when opening the tunnel near the beginning of the movie? I can't see what it has to do with any of the story that preceeded or followed it. Thanks


I think it was a way of predicting bad luck - for the tunnel and for hte people, a bad sign.


The blood (from his thumb)... so much blood has been shed over the poor country... In order to understand it, one really has to know everything what took place here... Some people think they do'know, but actually they dont. Unfortunately, blood marked this movie too, but is so, so so, real and accurate. I loved it. I loved every single moment of it...


The tunnel is build in same time New Yugoslavia(communist regimed since 1945)was formed.I also think blood means bad luck,not only for tunnel,but also for that country.


The director of this movie wanted to show this thumb-cutting scene as a simbol that (sorry for bad english) means:

This land(country) was made on million tones of blood and that's the way how it's going to be destroyed.

Balkan is one of the most bloodest regions and had many wars on his territory.

this is a part of yugoslavia's history.

After WW 1 Serbs(montenegro people are serbs too)
(who wanted to liberate all Slavic brothers(BOSNIA,MACEDONIA,CROATIA and
SLOVENIA (they are more germans than slavic)
from Turks and/or Germans(Austro-Hungary)) made an kingdom of Serbs,Croats and Slovenians which was later named YUGOSLAVIA.

Then came NAZIS and WW2.

That was bloody chaos but in the end Communists took over the country.

And in the end Croats and Slovenians and Muslim-Bosnians decided to part from Serbia in a bloody war.

So tunnel is simbol for a Communist Yugoslavia.

But to know full meaning of a simbol you should read about Yougoslavia/serbia
history in 20th centry.


maybe that guy actually cut his thumb at the opening


Well that guy was supposed to be Tito, the leader of Yugoslavia from 1945-1980 and no he didn't cut his thumb while opening a tunnel.


i was kidding


Wrong. It was Dzemal Bijedic, a high ranking Communist Party member.


...SLOVENIA (they are more germans than slavic)...

Heck, I'm Slovene, but I was never aware of that fact. I must say this is news to me.


Stick around, maybe he will even explain it :)


I doubt that. Slovenes may be under greater german influence then other Yugoslavs, but ethnically and linguistically they are Slavs. Not the mention that Slovenes actually means Slavs.


You are correct my son.


Edit :)


Why exactly are we Slovenes supposed to be like Germans?
Is it the sausages? The massive amounts of potatoes we eat? :)


S. of movie, belive me.
