MovieChat Forums > Late Bloomers Discussion > 'Memorable Quotes' mystery

'Memorable Quotes' mystery

The first two entries on the "Memorable Quotes" page for this film are attributed to characters not indicated in the cast list. Five of the actors listed have descriptions instead of character names (or maybe six--what does "Featured" mean here?). If one of them is "Henry" and another is "LORNE ALLEN" (this one is all caps on the quote page), why aren't they identified as such in the cast list? Can anyone shed any light on this situation, please?

And BTW, why are the character names in the cast list no longer linked to the quote page in general practice? It's causing a real problem for Marathon Man, where Dustin Hoffman's character's quotes are attributed to "Babe" period, while the cast list identifies him as merely Thomas Levy. Admittedly, clicking on "Babe" alongside a quote takes one to Hoffman's page, which is why I know "Babe" is "Thomas L.," but as there are two other characters identified as only "Babe's Father" and "Young Babe" respectively, this nickname really needs to be acknowledged in the cast list. However, the IMBd staff have not reacted to my submission for that change to the character listing there, though I admit that it's still a few days short of the requisite one-month wait since I did it.


Henry is played by a guy called Ivan Klousia who has two listings in the credits. First is as Henry and second is as a Production Assistant.

Lorne Allen is played by a man named Ron Senter

I don't know why these men are not given proper listings. My thought is that they were probably friends with the film makers and so agreed to fill some of the smaller parts as a favour. So if they're not actors they wouldn't be concerned with contacting IMDB to ensure they got an actor's page and proper listing.

"Kid vicious did the heavy lifting. Cordy just mwa-ha-ha'ed at us."


Thanks. On closer examination, I see that much of the cast on this film is "in alphabetical order" here, yet only one is "uncredited." The page probably needs a do-over by somebody with a vid. Thanks again.
