Malaysian Banned?

Why was this Banned in Malaysia?

Okay so it's pretty violent and the basic plot of the movie involves bootlegging but Malaysia isn't the most scrict country(it's one of them);
but Singapore didn't even ban this.
It's a remake of A Fistful of Dollars which was a remake of Yojimbo and neither were banned anywhere.

Why this movie? and Why in Malaysia?



That's actually not an opinion, it's a guess. The fact is that Muslims DO believe in Jesus as delivering the word of God, they simply, like Jews, don't believe Allah was his father. Jewish Israel didn't ban Saving Private Ryan, did they? So there you have it. And Malaysia is only a Muslim country in much the same way that the U.S. is a Christian country. Many of Malaysia's traditions, be they social, legal, and more recently economic, come from Muslims and have root ideas in the Koran, but there is a de facto separation of church and state (or mosque and state, if you will), just like here in America, or even in Britain, France, Italy, or Germany, all of which both claim to be Christian countries on paper, none of which have codified more than one or two of the Ten Commandments into federal law. No Christian in the U.S. is willing to make about eight of the Ten Commandments an actual legally defined crime (just murder and theft), and they routinely practice many things the Bible frowns upon, such as usury or monogamy. Doesn't mean we're not a Christian nation, but our reasoning isn't predominantly Biblical. By the same note, Malaysia bans a movie in which someone worships Jesus istead of Allah, you can't assume their reasoning was born out of their religion either.

Here in the U.S., after 9/11, Clearwire Communications temporarily banned Imagine by John Lennon and Miss American Pie by Don MacLean from its stations. The Christian group American Family Association (to name one of many) wants Disney boycotted because they're somehow un-Christian. Explain that one.


Yeah, you're right there really isn't any reason why Singapore would ban this.

I don't know why I said that. If I didn't know why Malaysia would ban it then why would I say anything about another country not banning it.






No, this movie wasn't banned in Malaysia. It was shown on prime time TV on TV3 here in Malaysia a few years ago. It even had the bits of nudity during the sex scene with the prostitute that were, for some reason (probably mistake), left unedited.

Malaysia is a predominantly Muslim country but it doesn't actually enforce any strict Muslim laws. It's easy to assume that it would ban such movies, but that is seldom the case.

RPG Codex ( - Leave your stupidity at the door


They also banned

-Power Rangers
-Austin Powers
They're dumbasses, in other words.

Mmm, horrific, deplorable violence.


They banned Babe? Holy Crap!


I don't mean to be rude to their religion... but my guess is...

Babe = Pig = Pork.

Maybe that's why.

They even banned Friends, 13 Going On 30, X-Men, Love Actually, Kung Fu (!!!) and about a hundred other movies...

Even SHREK! LOL!!!



the scene in the church was set in a catholic type praying. remember the rosarie beads she gives smith? christians do not use beads and if at all carry a cross necklace.


Signapor and Malloy land DON'T like eachothet since signapor became inderpendent from malaysia in the 1960's but yet Malaysia sells water to signapor, money talks huh.
