MovieChat Forums > Kissed (1997) Discussion > This is a fantastic movie.

This is a fantastic movie.

I love this film. Necrophilia is not a something everyone can deal with but, if you are able to stomach the notion this is one of the, if not the, movies dealing with the subject I have seen. This picture invokes the same emotions as Jennifer Lynch's Boxing Helena.

I do not think the re-sexing of the protagonist would have impacted my reaction nor do I find this movie "sick".

Cheers All!


this is one of the, if not the best movies dealing with the subject I have seen.

... exactly how many are there????????!

Four minutes ahead of schedule. Damn, I'm good...


Beyond the Darkness ( I did not care for this one at all. The character Iris was too annoying)
Deranged (It's okay, another Eddie Gein movie)
Love Me Deadly (This one is actually really good as well)
Nekromantik (Very disgusting German gore movie)
Ed Gein (Pretty cool, the same guy that played Manson in Helter Skelter is Eddie)
I'll Bury You Tomorrow (At least it's funny)
People Are Dead (Indy film available at, it is very good)

That is just the few I have seen, there are many others.


I've heard of 3 of those, (two of them being serial-killer connected... )

Four minutes ahead of schedule. Damn, I'm good...


I just can't help but wonder about the temperature issue. I mean a cold sausage?!


As of this posts date, a keyword search on IMDb brings up 140 titles,
that's just exact matches!

I respect the right to free speech, particularly when it exposes ignorance!
