MovieChat Forums > Kingpin (1996) Discussion > Question about a line in the film

Question about a line in the film

I'm wondering if there is a reason why Harrelson's character references Vassar College near the end of the film when he is showing his check for $500,000. Was Vassar known for having a high on-campus pregnancy rate or STD outbreak in the mid-1990's? Just curious. I mean, out of all the schools in the country, why Vassar?

Here is the exact dialog to jog your memory:

Roy Munson: Trojan condoms. You know- "Rubber Man." All l have to do is a commercial... show up at a couple trade show and pharmacies... and give a little talk at Vassar College orientation.

You're on a gravy train with biscuit wheels.


Just watched with director's comments and they claim no reason for Vassar. They have no ties, or friends with ties to Vassar, and even said they should have used another school that would have meant something to to a friend or family member.


Probably the only female-only college the Farrellys could think of to build the joke around.


Thanks to both of you for the info!
