Any One Know?

Been a really long time since I caught this movie..late at night on TV.
Quick question....I dont remeber Vince Vaughn in it....who did he play.


He was the cop who had a crush on the waitress.

Your eyes can be so cruel, just as I can be so cruel.-Labyrinth


Where was Flea?

The Vikings are attacking! HUSS, HUSS, HUSS!


Flea was one of the two gangsters who was looking for Jon Faverau';s character--Stryker--he owed them money, the two of them were crusing down the streets in the car, Flea adjusts his balls at one point in the movie leading the other (played by John Lurie who's a jazz musician) to comment "what do you gotta do that in such a violent fashion for?" the film occasionaly shifts from the diner to them in the car driving to the diner

The two gangsters eventually get to the diner, and Flea howls like a dog until Virginia Madsen lets him in, (complete with giant stuffed animal of a duck) when they discover what's going on and want in on the lotto winnings.

greaat underrated late night movie, wished more people knew about it, hell forget that i wish it were on dvd!!!!

jon polito gives what may be his best ever performance in the movie and no one knows about it, (of course no ones about jon polito either well coen bros fans do at least.)


you forgot The Crow's fan, mbs
