MovieChat Forums > Jerry Maguire (1996) Discussion > One little scene I really love.......

One little scene I really love....... when Jerry had just secured his contract with Cushman and is in the car driving away with the music playing. He desperatly wants to hear a song that will go with his mood, so he tries like three different radio stations and attempts to work with them by singing a little bit but realising it isnt right, then eventually finding the perfect song

How many of us have done that? Well I have. I think its a brilliant little scene.

"What, you don't like rice? Tell me Michael, how could a billion Chinese people be wrong?"


It's a great little moment in a movie full of wonderful moments - big and small alike.

I don't think that many critics/viewers give this movie the credit it deserves - whether it's because it's easy to bash Cruise, the catch phrases (brilliant and ironic if you watch the movie) overshadowed it...or for whatever the reasons may be.

This movie also uses music so well (including here) throughout.


I like to think that scene is symbolic foreshadowing that all is not as perfect as Jerry believes. If everything WERE falling into place, then it would just be as *divine* (for lack of a better term) that the perfect song comes on. But since he has to search for it, force the moment if you will, it really isn't as perfect and natural. Just like his previous meeting with Cush.

Or maybe I'm just being an over-analytical English major. ;)


Also, the song "Free Fallin'" is funny because that's what he's actually doing. He thinks he's all set but his career is still in a nose dive.


It reminded me that scene in Crowe's Say Anything when the girl's dad had a good day at work and was singing along with Steely Dan's Rikki Don't Lose That Number in the car.




Me, too. I'm watching it on cable right now, and when that scene came on I was like, "Such an ordinary moment, that many people have been in, including myself, and here it is immortalized in a movie." :)


Very true - and every scene builds expertly on what precedes it.



Yeah but time hasn't stopped Tom Cruise from being a great actor. I honestly don't give a *beep* about his personal life...


There are so many great and iconic scenes / interludes in the film Jerry Maguire, including:

- Show me the money!

- Help me help you

Tom Cruise really drives them home.




My favorite scene is when Jerry is walking out of his office, after being fired. Everyone is standing around watching him. He says something like “Don’t worry, it’s cool. It’s not like I am going to FLIP OUT!!!” and lurches into this hysterical pose while holding some little plastic bag of his things. It’s so funny, I usually replay it when I see this movie again. The way Cruise did that was pure physical comedy.


I found it funny that he didn't know the lyrics to "Bitch" by the Rolling Stones. That is a classic song yet most people (including myself) don't know the lyrics to it even though we've heard it a thousand times.
