Time period of this movie?

Hey can anyone tell me when this movie was supposed to take place? Thanks a lot!


I think in the mid 1990's. It can't be earlier than 1990 because when they are in Berlin the German reunification has already taken place (otherwise they would have been shot trying to drive through the Brandenburg Gate...)



Ja, but my teach points out the poignancy of the flashback scenes with the young boy at his sisters recital comes from its proximity to WWII. Grampa would have been raised amid Nazi ideas of eugenics when the deaf and blind would have been shipped off or killed outright for being inferior.
Add to this the general ignorance of the times when 'deaf and dumb' was used to describe the deaf, who were viewed as defective and something shameful for a family to have brought into the world and the flashback scenes seem even more painful.



Well, you don't have to be a nazi to be appalled at disabled people.


The flashback scenes are only closer to WWII inasmuch everything older is. Those scenes are taking place in the 60s. You can tell from the clothes and the hairdoes. Believe me, they seem very familiar... ;-)
