Deleted Scene?

Did they delete a scene explaining how the aunts got to New York? Given that they and the car are flooded and covered with seaweed/fish, we can assume they drove all the way to New York under the sea, but why didnt they show us them setting off in pursuit of James?


Nobody? Am I the only one who thinks this was a glaring omission from the film?


It's on Film 4 right now and I was wondering about how they got there too. Mind you I switched it on quite late and just assumed I'd missed that part.


Good question! My answer would be what you said, that they drove all the way to New York from London lmao we also see them in the ocean during the cold water scene where the Centipede goes underwater to retrieve the compass. Remember that this is a silly children's' movie (no hate, I'm an adult and love this movie)


Where do you see them? I'm watching it now and just watched the scene twice to try and spot it :/


PS: how disgusting were they when they got out of the car with all the water and seaweed and crabs and whatnot?! Reminds me of the girls at my old high school o.o


you can see the aunt's car underwater,when centipide goes under to get the compass? wow, i must have missed that. I've seen it alot.going to have to watch it again,see if i can spot that.


I would have rated the movie PG-13 for that, if it were up to me. EW.


No, this was never filmed. The screenplay (much like the original novel) had the aunts die when the peach crushes them in their car. Their appearance was rather sloppily rewritten during pre-production for reasons I can only assume were to keep the film from being too dark and scary, even though the film is already really dark.

La religion est fausse, mais vous êtes réel.
