MovieChat Forums > The Island of Dr. Moreau (1996) Discussion > Does anybody think there could ever be a...

Does anybody think there could ever be a new IODM movie?

Seems like a long shot right? It could be great, if done right.

So who would you cast as Prendick? What about Montgomery, and Moreau?

How about Brad Pitt as Prendick?


john malkovich has to be montgomery


i would want david thewlis take a chance to play Edward Douglas again


I'ts really hard to think of a new cast, because however bad they may have been, the actors stick with the characters. For example, I can't imagine anyone other than Val Kilmer to play Montgomery, even though having read the book, the original Montgomery is quite different to Kilmer's portrayal of him.

Nevertheless, here's my cast:

Moreau= Anthony Hopkins
Montgomery= Rupert Everett? I'm not really sure yet...
Douglas= Ewan McGregor
Aissa= Still think Fairuza Balk should return- otherwise I'd choose Gong Li.

Are there any other humans? I don't think so, but tell me what you think soon!


Will Smith being Douglas, spewing Ebonic One Liners...



Moreau= Anthony Hopkins
Montgomery= Rupert Everett? I'm not really sure yet...
Douglas= Ewan McGregor
Aissa= Still think Fairuza Balk should return- otherwise I'd choose Gong Li.

That's a pretty good casting. I think Christopher Walken could also play Moreau, if Hopkins wasn't available.

Not sure about Montgomery, perhaps Brad Pitt?


My cast:-

Dr Moreau:- I like the idea of Anthony Hopkins
Montgomery:- Val Kilmer again. If not, Michael Keaton.
Douglas:- Gerard Butler
Aissa:- Either Minnie Driver or Emmy Rossum.

Riddle me this...
Why is a raven like a writing desk?


yeah and if not Kilmer or Keaton...maybe Clooney or Christian Bale


I liked this movie but that's just me. I don't believe it should be redone but there should be some sort of sequel to it. Anyway if it were to be redone I would like to see the following:

Father/Dr. Moreau - Anthony Hopkins *We all agree I*
Montgomery - Kilmer of course....but if not I would say Devon Sawa.
Edward Douglas - Stuart Townsend
Aissa - Keep Bulk...she's amazing.
M'Ling - How cute was that character? Keep the same actor..

We are the night.


well if they could do another iodm, they could adapt use the original scrip from richard stanley


i think that the right actors for the remake would be like

for edward would be played by christian bale or gary oldman

for dr moreau would be played by brian cox or johnathan rhys daves

for montgomery would be played by jonathon rhys meyers

for aissa would be played by asia argento



I think that we will eventually see yet another version of IODM. Wells is like many of the other great writers (Stevenson, Verne, etc) that will always have new adaptations. I actually wouldn't be surprised to see a Sci-Fi Channel or a Halmark Channel TV movie in the next few years. But as for a real, Hollywood film, it will come sometime, and let us hope that is better and much more faithful than this 1996 version.

For those who have only been exposed to this version, I highly suggest that you check out eariler versions, such as the 1933 one (called "Island of Lost Souls") with the great Charles Laughton as the Dr. and the the 1977 version with Burt Lancaster as the Dr.

This book is one of my personal all time favorites, and if in the right hands, can turn out to be an excellent film. (it hurts to even think of this 96 version)

Anyway, just to add something, I've always toyed with the idea of having Christopher Lee play the Dr. I mean, makes sense having Lee take on the role.

Come on Warner Bros, give us our Blade Runner Special Edition


"Will Smith being Douglas, spewing Ebonic One Liners..."

ROFL!!! SO funny because its SO true!! That is my biggest problem with Will Smith...he basically ruins every film he is in with his lame comments. Someone needs to inform him that he is not half as cool as HE thinks he is...
