Cut and uncut

Just to say i recently, for the first time watched the uncut verison on dvd, to my surpise i hated the uncut verison!!! if you see this film i suggest you watch the VHS or cut verison. The uncut verison has stupid random outbreaks of violence (not that im against that in movies) but the violence is cheesy, brando gets an arm ripped off and there a fight scene on the raft, which i have to admit laught at, it was that bad. So all in all the uncut verison to me ruins the film, trying to make it some cheap horror film. Now the uncut verison that is a great film.



I agree with most of what you said, but one scene is REALLY important- when Azzazzelo has his chip ripped out of him- that part is crucial to help us to understand what is really going on. When I first saw the film, it was the cut version, where you only see Hyena-Swine ripping his chip out of his chest- and I didn't get that. However, the next time I saw the movie, it was the unedited version, where you see Azzazelo- THEN i understood the significance of the chips.


ok you got me there, i would have to agree with that


does the dvd have the deleted scenes? is it a special dvd-like does it say uncut on it? i would like to get it

i never saw the scenes that you are talking about. can you explain in detail the scene that is missing with the raft...


in the first part douglas and the two other surivers fight it out in the cut verison it just shows two guys fighting on a raft that fall off and a shark looks towards them and it cut to the next scene. in the uncut verison i saw the 3 of them fight it out. the fight scene in uncut is stupidly funny


i just got the dvd, your right, the fight with the raft was very funny.


i know im weird about this but you have to see the cut verison


you didn't get that? when hyena takes out the chip, that's kinda obvious.
