Why just a 6.8 rating??

Total vote average on this site is a 6.8. This movie is a 10 for sure


Will Smith.


It hasn't aged well.


Ratings are a subjective thing but this probably rated middle of the road becuz it's mostly a silly popcorn flick with some drama thrown in. Personally, I liked it but wouldn't put it higher than an 8.


It's a good film


I would say it's about right. It's a fun film but it has serious flaws and the third act gets boring. We're not talking about Citizen Kane or 2001 here and 6.8/6.9 isn't a bad rating especially compared to the movies rated lower. The Tree of Life has a slightly lower rating, and that film is ten thousand times better and one of the 100 movies I've given a 10.

P.S. The sequel kind of looks sh!t, and no Will Smith. But Goldblum made my expectations a little higher.



I grew up liking the movie but I watched it a couple years ago for the first time in over 10 years ago. I have to say it really hasn't aged well 6.8 is fair. I noticed a lot of mid to late 90s summer blockbusters have aged poorly.


This movie is a 10 for sure
Either this is a troll attempt or... I not going to fall for it this must be a troll attempt.


I give the movie a 2.0 rating. ONLY because of the cool spaceships in the beginning of the movie. The rest of the story was just horrible. The acting was ridiculous, they could have used mannequins instead of actors.



This moving is shambolic. 6.9 currently, which is too high. Go and watch The Day The Earth Stood Still (Not the remake!) instead.


This moving is shambolic. 6.9 currently, which is too high. Go and watch The Day The Earth Stood Still (Not the remake!) instead.

Independence Day is 7, The Day The Earth Stood Still is 8.

I watched ID again after a long-long time and it held up beautifully. Not the same as watching it in the theatre as a teenager, who has never seen anything like this before, but a perfectly fine film for a blockbuster.

The first half is better though, the film is too long and the end drags a bit.

I think fair rating would be about 7,2. It's not an 8 star movie so not above 7,5.


The (REAL) Day The Earth Stood Still was released ONE-HALF CENTURY before Independence Day, and still outranks it, in large part due to having a cast that included real actors like Patricia Neale and Michael Rennie, as opposed to a cast comprising, you know, Movie Stars. That is remarkable in the temporal-chauvinist world in which we live, where everything old is instantly labeled as “hasn’t aged well.”

Not for nothing: can someone please explain to me why the ads for Independence Day carried the slug, ID4? There is no “4” in the title! It can’t be poetic license, because there is neither poet nor poetry anywhere in evidence. Could the slug be an example of lazy, sloppy bushwa? Gee, what are the odds?
