My favorite movie of all times...

I swear, something about this movie just worked for me. I cite this as my favorite movie of all times and people think I am nuts. I have watched it 100 times, went to see Marry Me Jane in person, and bought the DVD. I live in NYC and saw Eric Shaeffer on the street, and stopped to chat with him about htis movie. Anyone else feel this way about If Lucy Fell?


6 weeks, no response, looks like you're flyin solo on that opinion.


Well, I wouldn't say it's "my favorite movie of all time", but I do like it and I did buy a Marry Me Jane cd because I enjoyed the music in it...I also think Eric Shaeffer is great in it, although I haven't liked the other couple of things I've seen him in as much...


I completely agree with you RWALLINS. I often keep coming back to this movie as one of my favorite romantic comedies of all time. Joes sense of humor and insecure, sarcasm the kind of 'lost' Sarah J. character, coupled with a few odd balls mixed in (Ben Stiller!) go together so well. Plus the idea at the heart of it is classic. Falling in love with your best friend. What more can someone ask for?

Besides all this, I too was drawn to the Soundtrack and bought all the Marry Me Jane songs. They really stick with you.

Love to hear some of your other movie matter how out of place you think they are :)


It's a great romantic comedy. Not my favorite Eric Schaeffer movie, but it's damn good.

"Eye for an eye, and the whole world's a pirate"


I wouldn't say my all time fav either but i have seen it like 20 times, the suntan lotion thing still kills me. lol


I thought the movie was adorable. Schaeffer was great in it and I really enjoyed his chemistry with Parker. You really got the sense how well they knew each other. Despite, what haters of the movie have said on bulletins, I think Stiller was the worst part of the movie. It seems like he has two stock characters he uses in every movie, 1. "Oh, woe is me" nice guy who simply pities himself and does nothing to improve his situation (to get a girl/get ahead) and 2. miscellaneous weirdo. I really thought there were a lot of great moments in the movie though, like when Lucy throws her telephone out the window while with a patient.


LOL...that's my favorite scene in the entire movie...when Lucy just chucks the phone out of the window :D


I just found the story line between Joe and Jane unbelievable. He's stalking this woman, he obsessively paints her and when she comes to the gallery opening, she agrees to go out with him? I'd think the real outcome would have been Jane getting a restraining order on Joe.


Okay, I'll say it. This is my ultimate, all-time favorite love story, simply because it's about two "normal" (i.e., neurotic) people who find love in the comfort and safety of their already-existing relationship. That's how real life works, or at least has in my case for 26 years now. My absolute favorite parts are when they speak of drinking each other's spit. It's disgusting, but those are the kind of questions that I ask MY own husband, and we were best friends before we evolved to anything even remotely near an actual relationship. So, there.


It's in my Top 10 Favorites of all time, for sure. I saw it in the theater when it first came out and I think I've seen it at least forty times total over the last several years. I recommend it to people all the time.


OMG...this movie sucks.

Scarlett Johansson <3



terrible movie - I gave it a 4 just for being able to look at elle Mcphersonn's


"You don't put menu? What would this be then, sir?"
"I do not know!"
"You don't know what that is? OH, you don't know what that is. THAT'S MENU!!! THAT'S menu."
"No, no, not a menu, no!"

"What the...? WHAT'RE YA DOIN'? RUN NORMAL! Okay, this would be the path where NORMAL people run, sir! Okay, the...the weird...triathlete training complex is somewhere else! Okay? RUN NORMAL! Okay, get off my path, get off it!"

"Jane kissing God, Jane and the Elephants, Jane and the Jane, the Big Love Jane."

"That's what you're trying to say to me? Oh my god! That man...took you out to dinner...bought you all the cappuccinos and everything...then walked you home, perfect gentleman..........went into our house, into our bathroom, STAYED there for an hour, taking some stanky...foul-smelling $^#%...then just, then just left?"

This movie is infinitely quotable, and I love it for that. But the ending truly sucks.
