Is this any good?

What is this movie about? and does it suck?

"You want to get nuts??? Let's get nuts!!"



The titular Henry is looking for a job and then he gets one and it is pretty menial. He lives with some white trash folks and they trudge through life, doing arson scams for extra cash.

Then he has to kill everyone.

Yes it is good, v good. It is qiet and low bdget and that suits the picture. Henry is also a proper nutter if you like serial killers


Memorable Quotes from
Innocence White Panties (2005) (V)


*** SPOILERS ***

Basically, Henry is living in a homeless shelter and needs a job. He finds a job cleaning out port-o-let toilets for $40 a day. He asks his co-worker "Kai" if he knows of any rooms for rent and Kai lets him stay at his house with his wife and niece. Henry does some snooping around in the basement and finds a bunch of gasoline and arson equipment. His friend Kai then opens up to Henry and tells him that he's an arsonist and gets paid by individuals to burn down buildings so that the building owners can collect insurance money. He asks Henry if he'd like to be partners with him and offers to pay him $500 per job. Henry agrees and the rest of the movie is basically them going around and burning down different buildings.

One night when they are getting ready to burn down a building they find these 2 kids inside who are doing drugs. Henry and Kai tie them up and put them in the trunk of the car...they then finish burning down the building and drive off with the 2 kids inside the trunk. Henry takes them to a secluded place and shoots one of them, he then gives the gun to Kai and tells him it's his turn. Kai ends up shooting the kid but feels really bad about it. Henry and Kai do a couple of more killings, one being an auto mechanic and the other being a husband and wife. Kai feels really bad and basically tells Henry he doesn't want to be apart of this anymore.

The movie ends with Kai's mentally disturbed niece (who is a teenager) falling in love with Henry and leads her aunt (Kai's wife) into believing that she has been having sex with Henry even though they haven't. Kai's wife, whose name is "Cricket" tells her husband that she wants Henry to move out by the end of the week. On the last day, Kai's niece tells Henry that she wants to be with him and that she wants him to take her away and for them to run off together. When Henry tells her that he doesn't want to be with her, she blows her brains out in front of Henry, Kai and Cricket. Henry then shoots Kai and Cricket and pulls all 3 of them down into the basement and then sets the entire house on fire. Henry leaves, gets in his car and drives off. THE END

Personally, I don't think the movie is very good. Neil Giuntoli who plays Henry just doesn't compare to Michael Rooker. The story isn't very good and is just kind of pointless all around. There's no way in hell this is 8/10. I think if you are a big fan of the first movie and you watch this film you will really be let down. I gave it 5/10. There's no real boring parts, I just can't stand Neil Giuntoli playing the part of Henry. The way he portrays Henry in the movie is really bad and is completely unbelievable.

The fight scenes in the movie are the worst that I've ever seen. You can tell the actors are pulling their punches and kicks, not even actually hitting the person. In one scene when Henry is stabbing someone, they play the stabbing "sound effect" before he even stabs them, instead of when the person is actually being stabbed...poor editing. Also Henry's friend in the film, Kai, just towers over Henry and makes Henry look like a midget. There's a funny scene towards the end where they get into a fist fight with each other. Him being so much taller makes it hilarious to watch and with the bad sound effects and weak, pro wrestling like punches makes it even worse. I recommend renting this film but it's not very good and definitely not worth owning. I don't think even Michael Rooker could have saved this film from being so bad. It's basically just 2 guys driving around and burning down buildings, with a few random killings here and there. Not even close to being as good as the original.

Adam Beck


I rented this off the web, not bad. I think the first one was better though.

R.I.P. Uncle Steve



the 1st henry was a better movie this was still really good. it still had the quiet eerie feel of the first movie


Paid 50p for a dvd of this movie and I still feel ripped off !
